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Question #1177102475Friday, 20-Apr-2007
Category: ISFp Typing
What are the telltale signs that someone is an ISFp? -- gloworm
Your Answers: 1+ 17+ 42+
A17 Mozart was typed by Keirsey as an ISFp - Ex. of an ISFp with a brilliant "imagination." It's also possible that Da Vinci was an ISFp genius (it was only later in life that he turned to "engineering" and became obsessed with scope - inspired Ne and hidden agenda Ti) -- although there's no way to test that. As for creativity ... ANY type can be creative, but what they create WITH would obviously vary. -- Anonymous
A18 I have an isfp friend. She's very emotionally distant and hard to get to know which saddens me. :/ -- ENTp
A19 A18, I feel your pain!!! ISFPs are wonderful! Maybe she's afraid of your social skills - if you charm her and let her know you're safe, I think it would be wonderful!!! I'm in love with a wonderful ISFP - and we have this trouble time to time... - Female ENTP -- Anonymous
A20 @ A18: OK! I'm an ISFP so I think I might be able to help a little! Haha yeah we're REALLY REALLY REALLY hard to get to know well! But don't worry! Here's the key: PERSISTENCE and most likely PATIENCE. Spend enough time with us and eventually our identities will leak out of whatever mask we're wearing. (not that the mask is necessarily there on purpose.) And!'s REALLY important that (as A19 said) we feel SAFE. You have to let her know that you're "safe." Ok these things might help with that: 1. If you don't openly judge people, especially her of course. (I'm pretty sure most of us ISFPs have a strong need for acceptence and judgementalness closes the door to relationships) 1.5 Show that you accept her for who she is 2. Show that you're caring/kind 2.5 Show that you genuinely care a great deal about her (of course) 3. If you have a very strong/tough/ect. personality show that you have a gentle side 4. Show that you're a positive/optimistic person Yup so that's all I got for that haha. Uhm about that distance...most of us have TONS of stuff going on emotionally it's just that it's hardly ever on the surface...and if you meant "emotional distance" as “it's hard to get closer to her”...don't worry, if you work hard enough (and if she likes you of course) you'll get there. It usually takes a long time to get close to us but when you do you'll get to see just how strong of a bond we can form with another human being. And you’ll be let into our secret world where all the passion, commitment, creativity, loyalty, compassion, empathy and deep well of love that is the ISFP will be freely revealed and the life of awe, peace, fun, and purpose will be shared. And if you get to that place, in the eyes of that ISFP you are one SPECIAL human being. -- Anonymous
A21 @A14: SHUT UP! I feel soooo bad for all the sensitive feeling type guys that have to deal with stupid crap from people like you! If an INFJ dude is sensitve...GOOD! Any guy who is willing to go against our culture's macho mentality and actually be emotional/sensitive IS NOT A PUSSY!...they are WAY MORE STRONG than all the other guys that don't have the guts to stand up to all the crap that society feeds guys about "not being a pussy." Men, like women, are human and therefore FEEL. Men have emotions...the emotions are there and everyone knows because everyone's why is expressing them a "pussy" thing to do?'s not. -- Anonymous
A22 @A21: Yeah... suuuure. They are wimps. Deal with it fool. And modern culture isn't even macho. When men still were real men, nobody would have said dumb thing like that. -- [Te]rminator
A23 @A22 What's a real man? BTW in case u didn't notice, I'm a chick so of course my answer isn't gonna be a "real man" answer cuz i'm not a man. -- Anonymous
A24 In two cases of ISFP I know, one male and one female, they use to bring sweets when hanging out and share them with their friends . That's how I decided "she" is my dual and acted. I won't give you more details because this topic sucks of 2 reasons: 1- wtf are you arguing about guys here? 2- INFJ(A1), why do you want to mate with an ISFP? The duality relationship I experience surpasses everything I immagined! So many feelings involved, so many 'coincidences', even dreams. I would do a great harm to you to help you mate with an ISFP. Don't speculate so much and don't attach to small details because this way you do the same mistakes as without using Socionics, things like "we have this in common" or "i like tall guys". Please, ask the best from your life, be patient and look for your dual, the greatness of this reward is not immaginable without tasting it once. In the case of the INFJ, look for ESTJ. Don't take me wrong, I'm very confident and extremely enthusiasted because I found my ISFP dual and I'd like everybody to do the same. -- Mihai, ENTP
A25 @A24: While your dual might have worked for you as an ISFp/ISFP I know I could never be with a rational (intuitive thinker), never. I need emotional intimacy and am VERY sensitive. I have doubts that an ENTp or any rational for that matter would be able to provide the sensitivity that I need. -- ISFP/ISFp
A26 Hey A18 - I'm an ISFP and my advice to you is DON'T GIVE UP! I agree with A20 as far as the persistence thing goes. You may think you're not getting anywhere with us but one day, you'll get the shock of your life when the floodgates are opened. What stops me a lot of the time from opening up is the fact that I know I'm going to be so embarrassingly emotional (with something that I've been keeping inside so long) and therefore I don't want to burden/scare the person with the intensity of my emotions. By the way, I love ENTPs . I love that you're charming and ask questions that other people wouldn't dare. I've got to find one for myself.... -- Anonymous
A27 This is A25: I retract my statement. -- ISFP/ISFp
A28 @A17: I'm an ISFp and engineering catches my interest also. -- Anonymous
A29 @A23: It was obvious from your answer, that you are a female. And to answer your question: brave, unconcerned about appearance and aging, unemotional, stoic, logical, intellectual, rational, objective, practical, independent, free, individualistic, success-oriented, ambitious, aggressive, proud, egotistical, moral, trustworthy, decisive, competitive, uninhibited, adventurous. -- [Te]rminator
A30 "I am usually quite drawn to ISFps in a magical sort of way. They strike me as being very "watery" and their tranquility and inner sense of dignity attracts me. My instinct is to place them on a pedestal and want to help them expand their horizons, and give them tokens which evoke personalization and beauty." -A1 or INFj That was beautifully written... -- JLR (who is an ISFp)
A31 The ISFP I know is pretty soft spoken and only speaks if he has something relevant to say. His words and actions NEVER purposefully hurt anyone, but sometimes his selfishness and flakiness can be frustrating. He's kinda invisible, and by that I mean in a room full of people he's the last one you'd notice. In any confrontation, he high-tails it. -- Anonymous
A32 Ok I should add to that..what I mean is we like what we see in our duels and are good at noticing and appreciating their good qualities. I like being an ISTp but I think that the healthier ISTps are more ENFp-like and vice versa...same with any duel pair. And of course duality isn't a fairytale happily ever after scenario. When a duel couple are going out, say an ISFp and an ENTp, and the ISFp meets another ENTp and likes that ENTp better, what do you think happens? Duality is good for friendship, usually friends who stay friends for a long time are duels, and if not duels they are almost always in the same quadra. -- WG
A33 all depends on how you look at it. There's nothing wrong with being a man and having or expressing emotions. But guys will always step on each others' toes so it takes a certain mindset/mentality to be able to resist that. It's not just our culture. Humans are both predatory and agrarian, peaceful and warlike. It's in our DNA. There's nothing wrong with having or expressing emotions but if a man goes around pouring his heart out to every woman he thinks he's in love with he's asking for trouble. Women are just as mean as men, but they show it in different ways. Too little sensitivity results in sadistic behavior, and too much results in masochistic behavior. If the sensitive guys are being oppressed by the sadistic ones, maybe they should be a little less sensitive, without losing touch with their emotions completely. Being too sensitive means getting hurt, being too cynical means being alone. I'm an ISTp by the way. Deep down I think we all want to be more like our duels. Have I said too much? -- WG
A34 @A21 Uninhibited by practicality or morals. Objectively egotistical. Morally aggressive, ambitious, and proud. In other words, nonexistent. A21/A23 Don't worry about us, it's pretty obvious to us when someone is crying out for love so badly they have to put everyone else down. I feel sorry for you A21, go have a cry in your pillow, it will do you WORLDS of good =D -- Azure (Male INFj)
A35 Hmm, A21 = A29 in the above post. Oops -- Azure
A36 Some people like to call them "artsy brats", at least that's what my INTJ mother and INTP boyfriend think. They seem to be pretty lazy in the real world, but who isn't. They should stick to arts and crafts. No one can tell them that an apple isn't blue if they're in an art class. -- INFP --> PharmD
A37 My last two answers, A32 and A33 should be in reverse order. I wrote them the same night and the admin put A32 above A33, even though A33 was written and submitted first. -- WG
Moderator's comment
It's done automatically, next time try to squeeze everything in 1 post
A38 WG..I've thought the same thing for a while. You know i've heard some folks say that as we get older we tend to move towards the middle of allegedly somewhere between T F S N and such things. To be honest what I have thought is that this explanation..although on to something is in fact inexact. What personally I think it is, is that as we psychologically mature, we actually move closer to being a little bit more like our duals. One in a sense could say that this is a truer level of developing maturity? -- Cyclops
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A39 A14 has a good point. I had for a long time thought of myself as a pussy kind of guy. But I've been hurt enough (and being a personality type doesn't mean you can't learn to the contrary) that I don't take **** A14...shove it up your ass. - ISFP -- Bob
A40 @A23: Well said. -- Anonymous
A41 ISFP intense sublime forest pleasure -- Anonymous
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