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Question #1175855247Friday, 6-Apr-2007
Category: ENTp ENTj Marriage Family Advice
I've reached a dead end with my ENTJ parter. Being ENTP I cannot stand his pessimistic views on people, things and the whole human race. I also see myself so much more flexible and ready to thrust myself on our relationship. He says he loves me but it's easy to see that his career is the most important aspect of his life. Now after a 10 year relationship together I'm ready to have children and buy a house with him, then dedicate myself to the family life. He want's to travel the world for his job that's not, on one hand, paying the morgage, neither is it committing him to raising a child, since he spends a third of a year in foreign countries. He would like to start a family but thinks I should take the main responsibility for it. Is this guy a wrong type for me and we an impossible match? Which type matches best with ENTP? -- Masa
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A15 We have an ENTJ and ENTP marriage. I am the ENTJ person. My wife, the ENTP considers herself to have so many friends, and she does. However, when they talk, the friends of hers can hardly get a word in the conversation. As the ENTJ person, yes a career is important. The problem is that the ENTP part of her results in a life highly involved with fantasy, and definitely seems to be difficult for her to extend a caring attitude toward me at times. Long ago I made the mistake of dating a female ENTJ. That lasted a couple of months. Too similar is not the way to go. Variety is what helps. The origianal posting points to too much variety. The guy is never around. For me a marriage like that no matter how much money the other person was making wouldn't work. It is not uncommon to find there is more dog and plant food in the house than food for humans. Some of this is sort of funny, and of course there are parts of her that make the marriage worth staying in. However, to do this, I do have to hold back on expressing myself and advancing in my career. There is always a mystical side for most ENTP people. Both of these personality types do share some common ground and both are fairly rare. I think the ENTP makes up about 2-4% of the population, and ENTJ make up about 4%. Many ENTJ people end up as the highest percentage of CEOs and past famous military leaders, and brainy people such as Einstein. ENTJ people can be seen by others as sort of out of place to others. We happen to be the type of personality that needs the fewest personal friends in life, whereas the ENTP has a constant need to socialize. It can be possible to make a marriage work between these two types, but each needs to understand most of the people in the world think and act differently. There definitely needs to be a solid compromise if these two types are going to stick together. Both are very independent, so if they really want to stay together, neither one can fully be all they could be. The ENTJ person also needs to be ready for surprises regularly. Some might seem strange, but if it makes the other one happy, let it go. To respond to the pessimistic view point originally expressed by the ENTP person, you just have to understand the logic and rational thinking of the ENTJ person. While the ENTP person tends to project thoughts of what they think the other is thinking, many times this is wrong and negatively wrong. Strongly suggest reading, “Please understand Me II”, to understand not just these two personality types, but all the others. These two can be compatible. I can state that after 20 years of marriage; just know compromise is the big thing. Where I work, this personality thing is big, and everyone has a little label on their desk. It actually makes for better communications for all. Just had to add my 2 cents, as some postings above make it sound like this combination is a disaster. The ENTP person should be a strong individual and confronting the ENTJ with a need for a better compromise is the only way satisfaction can happen. The ENTJ person referenced in the original posting needs to know what is intellectually stimulating to him most likely will go right over the head of the ENTP person. She is into fantasy; the ENTJ is into reality and science or technology. Please, fellow ENTJ person give her freedom to express herself even though it is different than your thought process. The NT part is what really counts here, and love and all is possible unless the ENTP person wants you to do things her way only. You will find this as unhappy times. Hope I didn’t offend too many people. I completely understand the point the ENTP person is making. And myself as an ENTJ had to modify my natural leadership and work attitudes to make sure the woman in my life is more important, even if it cuts retirement funds in half. -- Anonymous
A16 this has nothing to do with personality type, I'd like to second that. Why not compromise and travel along a bit? It wont be easy to raise a child that way, but I've heard from couples who did so (you know, poor scientists forced into post-doctorate-country-hopping-programs) and it is an experience. There are good things as well as bad things, but why dont you two figure something out where you both meet in the middle? -- Anonymous
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