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Question #1170524946Saturday, 3-Feb-2007
Category: Theory ENFp ENTp INFj INTj
ENFps, INFJs, ENTps and INTjs are the most imaginative of all types, no? Also, were Tolkien and C.S. Lewis ENFps? -- blahblahblah
Your Answers: 1+ 22+
A1 If imagination were a function of type, wouldn't ENFps be the most imaginative? I believe the E, N, F, and p preferences are right-brained. I don't believe that imagination is a function of preferences. Our brains pick up ideas from nowhere and they're filtered through our preferences, but I think our preferences are not the cause of imagination. Actually I have no idea, but that's what I thought off the top of my head. For example, wasn't Hemingway a sensor? He had quite a vivid imagination and an extraordinary way of expressing himself. -- econdude
A2 Most definitely, imagination - in the purest sense of the word - must be related to cognitive functions. Sure, someone can be an "imaginative" chef, hockey player, or accountant, but when we speak of being able to think out of the box on theoretical possibilities, this is an intuitive function. I just looked up Ernest Hemmingways' photo ... according to my present V.I. abilities (which is coming along, but may be wrong!), he looks INTj. But I haven't read much of his work to form an assessment there. If he is a master of describing visual imagery, that would lead me to believe he was INXj even more. Those types struggle with Se, and so are especially sensitive to experiencing that function in it's more "shallow" forms (i.e., beauty) - being very drawn to it. Unless, of course, I'm pontificating way out in left field this time around ... -- blahblahblah
A3 In the way I understand imagination. Obviously INTp and INFp are most imaginative. There was a test conducted, where the test subjects were asked to invent new ideas, if I remember right they were new improvements for a certain company in specific. On the test INTP's and INTJ's came up with clearly lot more new ideas than any other types. But when these ideas were tested in practice, none of the types had significantly better ideas than the other types. -- Anonymous
A4 So A3, do you consider Ni = imagination? Does anyone here believe ENTjs and ENFjs are more imaginative than ENTps and ENFps? After all, Ni is the "creative function" for ENTjs and ENFjs. Imagination = the Dr. Seuss kind. Fantasy. Sci-Fi. Innovation. New insights. Raw, pure, radical ideas that can go anywhere. Not cleverness, usefulness in application, etc. -- blahblahblah
A5 I have an INFp friend who is always calling me for creative ideas in presenting things. She seems to lack in the "imagination department". My ENFp friend reads a lot, her favorites include Tolkien and CS Lewis. I would imaginine that she becomes a "part" of the stories. She reads a lot-I don't see the outward side of her imagination/creativity though. When I read books I "become" a character in order to fully understand what I am reading. If it's not fiction, I become the writer. When I want to relax, I imagaine a scene, become a part of it, and actually feel the grass under my feet, the wind in my hair. When I was a little girl I needed no toys, I pretended to be elsewhere, somebody else. I encouraged my children's creativity-they are musical and artistic-and playtime was filled with empty boxes and containers that in their eyes were planes and radio stations. I have a natural ability to create anything-I imagaine it in my mind, can see it so clearly I can touch it. Be it sewing, cooking, dancing, giving a party or a presentation. I can even take this ability to work with me, problem solving by intuition and creative imagination. I can see what will happen if one step is taken over another-the possibilities. I am an INFJ. -- aj
A6 @A5. When imagination is at it's wildest extreme. The ideas aren't in touch with reality, therefore can be unusable. Neither free imagination works on command. So instead of imaging oneself at grassy windy place. Person with strong Ni can imagine places or entities that are impossible. For example I have imagined myself as a pitchblack shapeless figure, maybe bit like oil but more concrete and spirit-like at the same time, beign torn to strands, falling in a cold abysmal void. But I can't think of a good message for a birthday card. But are you sure that your friends isn't a ISFp? -- INTp
A7 Ni is imagination of a different kind. Ni = vision. ENTj's and their INTp mirrors have a foresight that allows them to "see" how things ought to fit in order to reach a specific goal. Ne = invention. ENFp's, INTj's and others for whom Ne is a dominant function see things in a different way than what they currently are. To a person with strong , a garbage can lid and a broomstick are a "shield" and a "lance" for example. Which is more imaginative? ... depends on what appeals to one I suppose. -- Anonymous
A8 Tolkien and Lewis being ENFPs? interesting idea...I think Lewis was an ESFP, but cant explain why. Tolkien seems to me as J. We will never know for sure what they were, but it is interesting to think about it -- Anonymous
A9 different personality types are not going to answer this the same way. Tolkien and Lewis were both INTJs i belive, but Dr. Seuss was most likely ENFP. ENFPs are going to have lots of ideas- and never run out of them. They'd win a random award any day. But their ideas generally lack direction and rarely have follow-through. INTJs on the other, can most likely find a solution to just about any problem, but they have to think through their ideas, which takes time. -- Anonymous
A10 Ive always been highly imaginative and creative. If I recall, I do remember reading somewhere that people get highly annoyed if an ENFj "invades others minds" with their words of imagery. Ni is a humorous bitch, lol. -- Jadae
A11 First, Tolkein and Lewis were INTJs. This explains their ability to creat such complex and intricate plots that wove, both back and forward, through long periods of time, at the same time as embedding such powerful yet subtle symbolism. This is a prime example of Ni-Te creativity and imagination. Each other type, however, has its own unique form of creativity. Ne-Ti types like to generate possibilities and then synthesise them into innovative solutions. Ne-Fi types like to generate possibilities, period. Ni-Fe types like to see people's potential and then live their creativity in how they bring about this potential. S types tend to exercise their creativity more in the physical realm, such as with art, physical experience, etc; imagination is closely linked with this. I am an ENTP, and must confess my imagination of physical things is very poor - I can't see objects vividly in my head. However, I can see concepts in my head as though they were physical objects incredibly vividly. My sister, who is an S, is the opposite. -- B
A12 hands down. -- Joseph
A13 Ni-Te = INTp (Darwin) ... Tolkein would seem like an INTj considering he made Gandalf into one and was an absolute perfectionist in his work, going so far as to create languages for his books. So, Tolkein = INTj. I don't know about Lewis. -- Anonymous
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A14 The best argument for Lewis's being INTJ was the course of his life: He spent decades vigorously defending his faith in the face of much opposition, and decades as a devoted Church of England congregant, but when he fell in love with a divorcee, he ignored the church's rules and objections and married her anyway, with no regrets. This never made sense to me until I read the INTJ profile. -- Anonymous
A15 A14: A good comment. (Btw, I read two books on C.S.Lewis and would like to add that he knew very well that a divorce because of infidelity is not considered a sin. So maybe ignoring the church rules was not so strong.) By INTJ you mean NiTe or TiNe? -- Ezis
A16 i as a inp. lets list types creative...INTp,INFp;ENTp,ENFp;;INTj,INFj;ENTj,ENFj elliminate __F_ types without backing Vectors, and we are reduced to: INTp,INFp;ENTp,ENFp;;INTj,_;ENTj,ENFj... INFj dropped as j (the Te before Te-Ni) does not lend to creativity. also, many __F_'s would be dropped in the list if u consider that these people have to go along with some flow (F-vector), and that there quadra mentology does not drive them. also, some E___ vectors would have to be dropped, especially considering that E-vector survives other vectors _xxx, therefore 'survival need' is not absolutized to creativity. so INTP,ENTP,INTJ brings us to the list of 'potential most creatives' they say intp are about organization in creativity entp's about creation of devise toward creative end and intj's about deductive reasoning in creativity. to be professional in creativity, u need training, esp. self training -- @sirac
A17 it's fundamentally impossible to not create. the question is about "what" is created. -- Anonymous
A18 C.S. Lewis was an INTJ. -- Anonymous
A19 i think jules verne is labeled ESFj. any type can be an author, poet, inventor (creative mind) etc. in any field. otherwise, one would assume that only INFxs can be great authors, etc. A10: ENFjs have a uncanny ability to get under someone's skin at will or make it seem like they have when in a crowd ... even if what they're saying is complete nonsense. Consider that psychic structuring is not an ordering of talents but projected preferences; Abe Lincoln wrestled (and very well too) his whole life, staying in remarkable shape until his violent death (ENFj, in HA position). Also, checking the celeb pics on this site: Tony Jaa is labeled ENTj ... also with in HA position. Maybe some of these author-intellectual-logicians were actually were IxFps. -- Anonymous
A20 I'm a fan of both J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Tolkien is an INFP, Lewis is ENTJ, possibly INTJ but more likely extroverted -- Random
A21 IMO, Creativity is first of all linked to Ne ([Ne]) (inventing new ideas), and secondary Ni ([Ni]) (= implementing ideas (working, understanding, rating and organizing ideas)) and Se ([SE]) (=executing ideas) (Ni and Se about the same amount of "creativity", but different sort) and lastly Si ([Si]) (ordering ideas) . Your other main function determines what direction your creativity has. F would be people/literature directed, T being tools/science directed, so these 2 make no real difference if you're looking unbiased on what creativity is. Introverted or extraverted only makes difference between visibility of creativity. So E has a slight advantage here as they're about as creative as the I counterparts but its also well visible (also E's in the NP's have the Ne as strongest function...) . So we got to define what creativity is: creativity = arts & literature 1st: ENFp, 2nd: INFj creativity = tools & science 1st: ENTp, 2nd: INTj -- some random ENFp
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