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Question #1169087922Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
Category: Theory
Is there a correlation between Judgers and OCD,if any? -- Fefe
Your Answers: 1+ 16+
A1 Off the cuff I'd say extraverted judging types may exhibit this behavior in their personalities(but it isn't necessarily a personality disorder). As for an actual disease I don't think it is type related. To find a real correlation you would need to carry out an experiment. I don't think any have been done and if they have been I wouldn't trust the results. Mass amounts of people being typed? How, when, where? Would you trust that data? -- HumorousFish
A2 i remember reading a book that concluded that OCD is more common in sensing types than intuitives. can't remember the name of it though. -- Anonymous
A3 The behavior of each type when taken to an extreme can be viewed as if it were a personality disorder. Supposedly OCD is most like ENFj behavior, at least according to -- Anonymous
A4 My bestfriend is an INTj and has OCD. -- ENTp
A5 whats OCD? i don't want to google it. back on the other side of things, this does serve some point of interest. there are many disorders, linked perferentially to certain types. (who knew too, that psychologists could type INs into autistic charactures...but of the past). what do u guys think of the whole trend. -- @sirac
A6 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Often characterized by constant washing of hands, or returning to the front door multiple times to check if it's locked. I knew a guy who had 5 cats in a one-bedroom apartment - and I never smelled the litter box! Damn, that's obsessive cleaning. I'm not sure how broad a diagnosis OCD bears, however - for example, I'm ISTp and practically pride myself on being laid back ... yet, I will find myself tying my shoes several times because if they're different tightnesses, it'll bother me ALL DAY LONG. I have removed all kinds of irritations that others don't even take notice of, such as jewelry, makeup, synthetic fabrics (they make my skin sweat) - and I can't stand to be around perfumes or chemical smells. These are all minorly OCD, but I realize it's just a function of what I pay attention to, and I would venture to say that certain events in my life sensitized me thus, rather than it being inherent. On the whole, the ISTp type doesn't seem prone to over-emphasize such details, preferring to move on to more exciting stuff. -- iAnnAu
A7 okay...psychologists have many terms for this...many pathologies, many names. my intrinsic thinking is that any time at a certain time is predisposed to this. for instance, a non-sensor such as myself, fell in the pitfall of absolutizing to plants, what i thought should be given to myself. an actual relevant socionics mechanism, would be..if a socionics type, by virtue of there type is temporarily blind-sided...that is if, a forethought is supported by primary disposition...sensors might actually do this in actual physical realms. Counciling should help. Often such things are excrabated, if a sea of negativity from other sensed wrongs come in. in such a sense...conscious/subconscious cycling becomes relevant. good-luck all...i really don't think this is genetic or intrinsic to a type. -- @sirac
A8 One of the more interesting theories I've come across (I know, I know, where are my sources? jeez - google it yourself; I'm not expecting you to take my account of it as gospel !) is that a lot of the functions of our brain are inhibitory. Basically, we swim in an endless sea of data, and would be completely paralyzed by the task of sorting through it all unless we parse some of it out as currently inconsequential. Say you're looking at a tree. You see a bunch of leaves, but how many leaves do you see? Well, it's not really important to count every one of them, but someone whose inhibitory functions have been compromised might decide that's something they want to know. I think a similar mechanism is working with my hyper-sensitivity. I don't "need" my shoes tied the same tightness, but for some reason my brain has decided to pay attention to it. There are various reasons from my past why this might be, but I really just want to get the F&*( over it! -- iAnnAu
A9 Hi all. I don't know too much about the OCD, suffice some internal knowledge and what I have read here. I think I remember earlier on in this thread, iAnnAu, that you mentioned that certain events can make a person more sensitized to it? What do you think could make a person more sensitized to it ? It occurs to me that through thinking in the same way each time one performs a task in the same way, it could therefore be a way of creating it. IE is it a re-inforcing, habit forming thing? If so this could mean it could be potentially gradually, and over time finally unlearned? IE Break yon habit? (It also occurs to me this is were the j part of the original question could have appeared, as some might predict that j's are more likely to from routines and hence create the conditions for potentially self re-inforcing habits ?) -- Cyclops
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A10 "but someone whose inhibitory functions have been compromised might decide that's something they want to know -- very true"; and this could be anyone -- Anonymous
A11 I theorize that my foot-attentiveness has to do with having spent time on crutches for my right foot at the age of 16, then having my mother send me to a podiatrist at 18 because *she* had problems with her feet, which the podiatrist said I would have later in life since our feet (and the rest of our build) are similar. Then at 19, a car wreck paralyzed my motor functions in my left leg - I got back to pretty much 100% use of it within about a year, but it was a slow process starting with wiggling my toes, then bending my ankle, then my knee, etc. until finally I could actually climb stairs normally again - now I'm back to climbing trees & kicking butt ! All these things sensitized me in a particular way that my brain decided "this is something we should pay close attention to", and for whatever reason this subroutine has not been overwritten yet. As I mentioned above, this is only my theory. As for jewelry/makeup/shaving/synthetic fabrics - I think I probably let my rebellious nature give me a mini-complex whereby it's "useful" for me to not be able to tolerate them ! ... However, I'm not sure just how persistent the mental patterns are for a person who is trapped in repetitive behaviors such as constant hand-washing, etc. Their "stuck" mental state could be quite different than what I'm describing in my own experience. -- iAnnAu
A12 No, there is no relation between judgers and OCD, but there is a very strong correlation between Judgers and OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder). Check it out on Wikiperdia -- Anonymous
A13 howzit cyclops and iannau, my fav new posters! i am only inclined to post here cause, the other day...i wrote abit of something for INTJs..and it caused me to think about the J axis in a new light...i.e. that Js are the 'perfect' projection of there first 3 metabolisms. with this, i have an ESTJ sister, and i would say that the E-coupled with S factor definitely tends to blind them to there own psychology. May i recommend for these types, courses as they have been designed by Doctor Phil (i know he tends to go into Family psychology these days, but before he was popular he designed quite a few good books [sorry, i know i can't make sentences like that!]). But again, if u a J-type, i again stress, that with your Psychology as is...practise conscious subconscious it prayer time or whatever, just orientate your world towards your 'own world' at times. Its not a disease, it is not a social crisis in is what it is. that said, my INTJ post was quite controversial..i think in addition to not posting my post..the whole thread was removed..but hey, thats not the first time it happened... i guess the moderators don't know what to do with me...i create as much good, and destroy as many threads too...the cost win balance might soon one-day turn against me...hear what i say cyclops and iannau,tell me what u guys have to say about that -- notS if that helps
A14 A13 ... can't speak as to the effectiveness of Dr. Phil. I tend to eschew self-help books myself; however, you're talking about j-types, so your comment ain't aimed at me anyway . It sounds like you suggest that people who exhibit OCD tendencies can try conscious-subconscious cycling (whatever that is; I have an assumption but I haven't corroborated it), although you couched it in the terms of "J-type"s. Next I would ask whether you're declaring j-types or OCD-ers to be "not a disease, not a social crisis". You sound kinda like sirac to me - if you're not, I'm just poking for a reaction! I'm just trying to respond to your post because you asked for one, but I'm not sure what you're getting at with the J-axis-'perfect'-projection theory. May I (cautiously) ask for further details? -- iAnnAu
A15 Dr Phil .. Is that Dr Phil McGraw? .. Yes I have to symphonise (in melodic terms) with fabled iAnnAu..never been really one for self help books.. But yes fabled Sirac I think maybe I could see how doctor Phil could help a j type .. Think from what I know about him he will bring you a certain order which may energize a j but may dull a p? Although personally I did dabble in the self-help for a time, a time ago when I was going through a 'black' part of mind and 'heart' if you know what I mean -depression (ps i'm ok now and would say I have been for a bit) .. I came to reading about RET .. Rational Emotive Therapy .. Where what I got was the jist of it was to attempt to convince one logically that one doesn't have a problem. Its all very well.. In fact it was to say to it better than nothing but not foolproof as an approach (but what is?) .. As one can start to question the logic of its the logic (if you know what I mean) But the thing with self help is its hard to decide for yourself whats good and what isn't .. And you don't want to read something that could end up making it worse! I remember, I dated a girl before who had stuffered child amount of councilling seemed destined to put her on a path, its sad as I got to think as she did maybe if something happens to someone so early it creates processes which cannot be unlearned? If its so early on its not about a new path its having to walk the same one from scratch (even more so..she admitted to me in a moment of honesty she doesn't want to be fixed [as her word to describe it] ..she said she was just so used to being messed up -- Cyclops
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