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Question #1152667477Wednesday, 12-Jul-2006
Category: ENTp Advice
I have read that ENTps, with their weak usually do not hate or like people; they're indifferent with people. I am an ENTp and most of the time, but for the few that I like or dislike, everyone can tell. I can be really nice wtih people I like and for those that I dislike, usually those that have hurt me emotionally, I know I don't want to see/hear/think about them. There was once I had to control myself lest I get too emotional when a lady I don't like was brought up in a gathering. I don't blackmouth people that I don't like, nor do I seek revenge on those that have wronged me, but I could say mean things about them. My previous work environment was not exactly good and working with a group of ESFps and ISFjs, I was quite unhappy at work. I didn't know I hated them until I heard myself say mean things about them with other coworkers. Is this common of ENTps? I know such feelings are legitimate for all types but some types are more prone to such feelings and some less. I am wondering if my feelings are too intense. -- An ENTp
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A16 Just wanted to add; I have also the tendency to pass a swift judgement over people initially. Very often it tend to be accurate to a certain degree. Character flaws as an example are pretty easily discernible. Which can tell quite much of what can be expected in the other person. The platform when using this angle is probably something attached to a "gut-feeling" approach. The problem associated lies within certainty and predictability , both in background, ideas, and eventual upcoming agendas. I dont know to what extent I am an entp, but I do certainly recognise myself in the description of "living in a world of possibilities" One of those possibilities encompass the concept of failed integrity in my initial judgement, since obviously, I dont know all the facts, and I'll challenge any statement which claims so. In practice, this may behave like knowing fairly well what I have in the present, but uncertainty unto what might be brought in the future. In a world of possibilities, the future is hard to predict upon. I may instinctively pass certain judgements about people graded along a multitude of different scales concerning the various facets of psychology and mental states of mind. But, the the possibility gremlin always sneaks in, like; I dont know all facts about this person, neither in past, present and future, so, how can I be sure? That is in a nutshell feeling vs thinking descision making in this context. I end up in analysing mode, and stays there ad infinitum in sync with the dynamics. When you have been there for the mayor part in your life, you learn a few things; 1; gut feelings are AOK when they happen to be true, which you of course cant be sure of based on the aforementioned post meeting analysis, and 2; when not sure, avoid having expectations, since everything is possible. -- ENTp
A17 A15 wrote; "I love everybody and I don't care if they surprise me or not, because I know what to expect from them" Well, that is a huge difference from me, I don't expect anything from people initially. I see no point in it. Your angle is probably more filantropical though, although less practical some times. -- ENTp
A18 The real ENTPs are oblivious to how most people feel about them. INTPs strive to love everyone they meet and go out of their way to be kind. This thread has had responses from mixed company so far - that is, ENTPs and INTPs. Just an observation. -- Anonymous
A19 Plus I have to say, that thinking the way "the other person is flawed, he's not up to me" and seeing only this is quite unhealty, because you will never find anybody perfect and you will suffer all your life because of that. You should be also too easy target for people who project themselfes the same way. I am not guessing, this is really simplification of true calculation, I believe you are target of and , which in your case mens INTp and ESTp, but not INFp nor ESFp. Explaining the negative focus... It's like that: fight fire and die from fire. If you focus on bad side of other people, you give illiness and you got sickened in return. If you focus on positive, you give life and you recieve life in back. This way people will lie to you, cheat and use in the ways you would not suspect. I know that those are very "long range" conclusions, but they are backed up by long time observations. I, on the other side, accept everybody as they are, but I do not like cruel and very unmoral behavior, because it sickens me. Normally first, I try to influence the other person to realize his mistakes which I believe are morally justified. If this does't help... my mind alwys does something for me, which hopefully never turns against me, ha ha. Anyway, please don't think I am focusing on bad. It's just an advice and something to consider, discover, learn and listen. Everything in this world is worth to see, listen and understand. You seem to be emotionally very clever to me and not a psychopath , but for some reason you seem not to understand the whole picture of the other person mental processes. With attitute you present I would not believe you where like that all your life. I have similiar problems, like changing behaviors, negative thinking (ha, ha) and I have learnt that there is always way back while progressing in life, like reinstalling vista to windows 7. And yes, you ARE 100% ENTp, of course every one is different, but you are definetely the one. -- Me, the ENTp
A20 A17: Don't underestimate filantropical approach, because humans are humans at the end There is a human in everything in this world, it's all in our heads Regarding your gut feelings... Think, how much it's effective, put it on paper and analyze yourself. Also the negative aspects of person are easy to guess the behavioral flaws, but they are not good enough to guess the positive side. Thinking by just the negative side of the person you are simply torturing them, instead of focusing on their positive sides, so I am not sure if your gut feeling is really positive. -- Me, the ENTp
A21 And you would be also the target of ISFj. It's just my thoughts. Just think, see, discover etc Free ideas for everybody )) Also I am easiest target for INTj's, I am really scared of them I always surrender and agree to everything. They are completely non-hackable and very clever at the same time. -- Me, the ENTp
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A22 @ 'You, the ENTp', this will be a long one, but I couldnt resist. Loads and loads of interesting points you raised, ; "the other person is flawed, he's not up to me" and seeing only this is quite unhealty, because you will never find anybody perfect and you will suffer all your life because of that. You should be also too easy target for people who project themselfes the same way. I am not guessing, this is really simplification of true calculation, I believe you are target of and , which in your case mens INTp and ESTp, but not INFp nor ESFp. Oh yes, objectively you are right on with this one. But I need to tweak alittle. I havent the general approach with people that they are flawed. Humanity as an entity is critically flawed, in terms of beeing completely unable to manage it's own existance with sustainability, that is, managing the required logistics on every level, to maintain the entire platform their existance is built upon, our planet. I could have written a thesis about this stuff, but suffice to say here, there's too much negative momentums going on, from basic pshychology, via culture, religious and political established differences, routed into an increasing amount of individuals divided on decreasing amount of resources. The rates here speaks for themselfes. The walls are closing in. But that is collectively flawness. When meeting people though, there is subjective meetings going on, and I can't or shouldnt transfer this collective flaw upon single individuals. No, it is more a question of competition. I am highly competitive, in every thing I do. I was target shooting once, very interesting, and we were a good company of like minded, nice chat before shooting, in shooting it was more of; now it's you or me, showdown, almost hostile. After shooting, back to nice chit chat again. In flight lessons, I knew there would be a sure bet that I would get to a point were I would have challenged the instructor in things, and proven him wrong. I knew that was coming. It was in the air, so to speak. Same with today, I had been on a 50 km trip with a road bike, and thought I should take it easy the last ten km home. In a shallow grade I was overtaken by a another biker, and that was enough, showdown time again, and thankfully he took the challenge. And we went chasing each other for that last distance. Exhausting but extremely rewarding. When we split we thanked each other. So, basically I believe I got some kind of fundamental challenging posture or attitude, that have a hard time to back down, and I also believe that this restraint is built more upon raising my own standards than it is to beat others as such on the "finish line". After all, if driven by the latter it is sure to spark a cronic sense of failure, there's too many adequate competitors out there. I am of course not alone carrying such in this world, so when I eventually meet those people outside the expected frames of challenges, there's just got to be a problem, or at least, a potential for problems. Because, in it's simplicity, such attitudes are pretty hostile as a side effect. Some where in there, there is this "showdown" feature. And I am carrying it with me all the time. And seeing the same in others, without knowing what the challenge is about, might easily lead to a conflict, although havent happened yet, though, there's no reason to create conflicts for challenge. So, I guess, that is what you reacted upon, and many with you before this. I even got challenged with your sentence " Also I am easiest target for INTj's, I am really scared of them I always surrender and agree to everything. They are completely non-hackable and very clever at the same time" Sorry, I can't resist, I cant accept they are unhackable. Clever, oh yes they are, but unhackable? I'd take the challenge anytime. I might be wrong of course, but how fun it would have been trying to "break" down an unhackable INTJ . And shared a cup of coffee with him\her afterwards. And please, do not have the impression I underestimate philantropy, I do not. That is an unhackable beneficial concept, if there ever is such a thing. I have a very positive impression of what you have said. I reacted upon some things, but those are rooted in the challenge department again. You gave me excellent rationales for your claims, there's much wisdom in them, although we think slightly along different lines. You backed up your argument well, and I even learned from them. I appreciate that. And one more thing, I didnt wanted to change anyhting with you in any way, I just spoke for myself. I try not to persuade people at all, generally I see that as a loss, free will has been compromised. And I dont like interference with free will. -- ENTp
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