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Question #1142104615Saturday, 11-Mar-2006
Category: Functions Typing Personality
which types would most be likely to produce high machs (as in Machiavellianism) and why? -- Anonymous
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A1 ESTps know how to step on people to get what they want, and are the most likely to push ethics aside. ESFps also step on people when they really want something in the heat of the moment, but it usually isn't premeditated. ENTjs can also force their way through to where they want to be, but they believe more in playing by the rules. Finally ENFjs and to a certain extent ISFps know how to ruin people's reputations. -- anonymous
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A2 A1, does that mean ENTps, INTjs, INTps and ENFps are less manipulative (or at least less capable of manipulation)? -- Anonymous
A3 so Anonymous, does that mean u have a premeditated answer in mind. first u would have to say all sixteen types are manipulative, except that some have different subject matter with which they are manipulative, and the timings of all of these differ. some types are people sensors, and 'sensitive toward there own impetuousity', with a lesser sense of being able to T or F wise feel that shame (T's-may for the sake of honour, F's for whatever feeling experience).. so these manipulate with people. They say Hitler was a primary something else. but that is why he had to stay in peoples faces to keep the manipulation, and which is why he had a talent for acting. Other types, like the NT's u enquire about, manipulate at a later stage, after viewing people in there generalities. even though socionics is originally russian, there seems a great reluctance amongst these guys to express that the original sociolist hierachy where N's, Lenin probably a ENTp, and Stalin an INTp. Mach, is a political strategy timer,...depending on your type, if u choice or are inclined to exercise, u can, your socio type won't prevent u, it would just augment and help your timing in the matter. (i mean, if u wer'ent interested, there is no reason to know, since u do know, i'd say is great exercise for a N of any type, perhaps xxFx need that there inate feeling is properly managed in the face of xxTx, and many besides...etc.etc.) (i may have mistaken Lenin, but i don't mistake Stalin!) -- Anonymous
A4 When ENFP's are confronted with a decision that is highly unethical, or when someone persists in selfish, rigid and unjustified behaviour, they can go a long way trying to convince people to back up their cause before nuking the decision or person. When on a 'zealous quest' like this, ENFP's can be very persuasive and behave very machiavellistically, and even unethically sometimes. -- voot
A5 I've asked this question before, but what was Machiavelli's type? -- Anonymous
A6 ES/NTps are both likely to be Machiavellians. ESTps are somewhat less capable of comprehending "subtlety of argument." That would be an xNTp area of dominance. ENTps would be less likely to act on a particular "scheme" since they'd have too many in mind and be constantly scoping around for the "big picture." -- Anonymous
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