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Question #1131992012Monday, 14-Nov-2005
Category: ISTp Theory Typing
Hey guys. What's the most telling sign if a person is ISTp? I know there's a lot of information out there but a good summary of important points will be good I'm kind of hovering between the f/t part like most teenagers do (is that true?) -- Blue
Your Answers: 1+ 23+
A23 i'm an istp, and i would say i'm fairly generous. and i'm not a master of tools either. i am very good at math when i am understand its application, but am not great with all of the theory crap. i use humor a lot to ease tension in stressful situations, which often times is considered inappropriate. i'm very honest and direct with people (i generally don't have any hidden agenda), but won't share my opinion unless it is wanted or i feel it is helpful. -- Anonymous
A24 I'm as istp and i feel im often misunderstood. My infj/isfj friends often think that im passing sacarstic remarks at them with simple one-liners. These kind of tensions in the friendship makes me walk away from them. I wont bother to argue/clarify my point if they are not my inner circle of friends, cos they're just not worth my time. Other friends thinks I'm timid for not voicing out, but i think they just dont understand me. Sometimes im amused at the things they're ****ed with about me. In conclusion, i think alot of times, Im just being misunderstood.. -- Anonymous
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A25 This is how someone described me: "You only do things that you have to/want to do; pretty efficient I'd say. You're witty and sarcastic and you totally love dumb humor. You're secretly a bit of a romantic and you pretty much do what you want and just follow where life leads you. Pretty down to earth, realistic and street smart." -- ISTp
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