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Question #1130432967Thursday, 27-Oct-2005
Category: ENFp ENTp Typing
ENTP or ENFP?? Help me out here people. Is there a sure-fire way to tell whether you are an ENTP or an ENFP? Obviously I mean if tests have a tendency to come out either way depending on your mood, and both profiles seem to fit you well. It's as if I'm both, depending on the situation, but it doesn't work that way. I'm stumped. This drives me crazy. I can figure out everyone but myself, lol. know what might help, is an ENFP Uncovered. The ENTP could fit me, but there's always the possibility that the ENFP version would make even more sense... -- Dusty
Your Answers: 1+ 24+
A24 If you're unsure, then you're probably an F. As far as telling the difference: T's are generally very secretive about their private lives whereas F's will blab everything to everyone about their personal details (and whatever they know about you or anyone else). Every T I've known has, like in the movie "Meet the Parents", a circle of trust. Everyone outside of that circle will get projected upon them, for the most part, a sort of persona, and a filtered version of the life of a T, whereas an F will just give all the details. However, if you penetrate the walls of the T, (and you're an F) what we really think might just scare you. (I'm speaking specifically about NTs as I generally don't bother getting to know sj's or sp's very deeply since they're essentially intellectual cattle, and nf's are so cute when they try to "be smart" with us.) -- JDS [ENTP]
A25 I am ENTP. I know this because I KNOW this intuitively. You know what you are, you just have to get beyond any conditioning and incorporate it into the whole I test - E 100% ,I 78%, T 50%, P 78% F is expressed through my values which I have selectively built into the system of self and mastered. My F values are the reason I would build a clean water system for the children of earth instead of that ion engine to push the earths orbit into the sun. Thus I would rather save the planet then destroy it mainly because of my values being attuned to F. I have both the intensity and kindness that I draw from. I "feel" my values and think rationally about them. Thus my feelings have been aligned with my values which is why some picks on the test would indicate F as the T has been done long ago and built into the system on my mind requiring no further T. I know the amount of knowledge I currently have built into my mind is a small part of all that is available. For that reason I utilize intuition to make the jump between my priory of knowledge and the whole of all knowledge. That way if I pick up a baby turtle from the bike path and put him into the pond thinking I have done a good thing based on my values. I have already forgiven myself for not knowing he was a box turtle and thus can not swim. That's how it works with me. -- Brad Helin
A26 "But really, being a female T, its nearly impossible to not have any F tendencies, considering the world we live in. But at the end of the day, i'm just too objective and really just don't care enough", said A7. Male ENTp here, I guess that is not necessarily because you're female A7. One day at the mall, I looked down in a cooler storage and the vast variety of food lying there, somewhat tired of striking up a good choice of dinner. Suddenly, it dawned on me the incredible luxury aspect in my situation, remembering a certain commercial on TV showing a starved child lying on an old carpet on a dirt floor. The skewed disproportions in such a situation just got to make you reflect in lament laden awe. To me, a sustainable strategy to follow in this world, doesnt include scenarios as the one mentioned. Neglecting the ultimate consequences in these, is identical as sawing on the inside of the tree limb you're sitting on. Poor strategy, and poor logic. And that is exactly what we are doing these days. Gotta be sad when seeing this. But you're right, the insights doesnt last very long... saw-saw -- ENTp
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A27 For me as an ENTp I can sense how my internal thought structure is heavily Ti. If I had to describe my brain with imagery (as an ENTp, that's something I'm good at) my image of it is a glowing web of points connected by threads in which all new information I acquire is stored away into it's own special compartment. When someone, aware of this trait, told me that what he was telling me was "not classified into a compartment", I found myself putting it into the "compartment-less" compartment. I am pretty sure ENFp's, lacking Ti, do not voraciously hoard informaton like ENTp's do. - but you do get more social grace! -- ENTp female
A28 Think about the times you were most comfterable. Not like a work/school situation. When you can be yourself, your personality shines. I'm nice, friendly, polite, and show empathy to those who need it, but that is not my favored position. I would rather not have to console someone's emotions, but rather being discussing stuff, and being able to be funny. Maybe a good way to decide between F/T is how you act in the face of tragedy. An ENTP would more likely try to distract from the situation,to get it off their minds and others, perhaps being seen as tactless by ISFJ and such. A ENFP would be much more emotional, and outwardly so. I see no reason why you can't be a mix though -- Anonymous
A29 They are very similar both perceivers leading with extraverted intuition (ne).They differ because entps use introverted thinking(ti) with extraverted feeling(fe) where an enfp uses oppisits (fi) and (fe). Some entp have a strong (fe) and some enfps have s strong (te). Fe is about reading others emotions and relating to them. Their emotions are very effected orher's. Fi is about how they feel inside. They care about how others feel but their own emotions are less effected. Ti is about analyzing and is interested in figuring something out for the sake of understanding. Te is more action oriented. Sorry if the fi and te are fuzzy or inacurate I'm entp and don't understant realy understand them. A cognitive funtion test will tell you which you use.I took it and found it very acurate. -- Entp
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