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Question #1127274330Wednesday, 21-Sep-2005
Category: Functions
Which function do we access when we relax, breathe, and let it flow naturally? -- john
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A1 That would be the Introverted Sensing - (Si) -- Dr. Zoidberg
A2 Sounds like , Si, to me. Si is thought to govern body sensation and comfort. -- Anonymous
A3 That would be whichever your dominant function is. Even if you are a sensor, (with "S" as one of the letter in your personality type preference), your dominant function may not be Sensing, it may be the T/F function! Remember that E__J's will have their T/F function as their dominants, while I__J's their S/N functions? And remember that for Perceivers ("P's") the dominant and auxiliary functions are reversed from those of the J's? Based on this, someone with T/F preference will unwind, relax, breathe and letting things flow naturally by tuning into those dominant functions. The T-dominants will probably make sure that he/she gets the most out of relaxation using logical, impersonal methods. The F dominants probably unwind with warm-fuzzy feelings, letting it "roam-free" so to speak, and dwell in the feelings. The N dominant will allow the imaginations to run freely to never-never land, and galaxies far-far away. The S-dominant will open up all the senses and be totally in touch with the sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, such as noticing tingling sensations that would have been ignored during waking hours. Nice discussion! Nanook (INTJ) -- NanookHawaii
A4 A3 - well said. If I may add, all of us should be using our strengths. That is part of the reason why it's fascinating to type celebrities. An ISFp determined to act like an ENTj, for example, will not only be unhappy but probably very unsuccessful. -- econdude
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A5 Dabbling with psychadelia tells me that would be Se. -- Anonymous
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