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Question #1126053291Wednesday, 7-Sep-2005
Category: Advice ENFp
How can ENFP people reduce their weaknesses? -- Oswald E. Kasaizi
Your Answers: 1+ 22+
A22 A11 It can be tough to throw yourself at something to do your best at it-incase one fails. A big defeat is to try your best and fail-this suggests limits to our talented capacities. It is perhaps easier to move around from thing to thing and not face this. One way to persevere is to do your best and stick to it and still maybe fail. You see you haven't reached your limits because you keep trying and you just get better and better at giving it your best. To look at it, its only that not used to trying best - so just go on and try again, and again etc if necessary and you will follow through and eliminate weakness here-practice does indeed make perfect. This is istp stubborness which is very usefull. -- ISTperson
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A23 A4 made the most valuable point very succinctly -- Anonymous
A24 A7, you should tell that to all of the ISFJs, they are the worst (I know plenty of ISFJ b****moaners) -- ENTP
A25 Focus on developing your second function, introverted feeling. Get clear on what is really important to you what it is that you truly value, make the effort and commit to seeing it through. Perhaps find some INFJ's or ESTJ's to assist you in your pursuits. -- Anonymous
A26 I wish I knew the answer, but understand what everyone's said here. The corporate world is basically made for STJ's, as far as I can tell: See the facts, figure out the rational thing to do, and then execute. What world works for an NFP? Indigenous tribal life. Ha! We're just born a few centuries, if not millenia, too late. -- ENFP
A27 A26...Yes, tribal life sounds great. You get the wood, I'll start clacking the flints together...We will all be singing Kumbiyah by sundown! -ENFP -- Anonymous
A28 "All Enfp's have to do to reduce their weaknesses is to sack up and quit being whiney little b****es. Sorry for being honest, but I am an ENTP, and this is what I am constantly telling my ENFP friends. Learn how to be decisive. Learn how to make something happen. Stop accepting defeat and settling for less than you know you deserve. In other words, be a lion instead of just a sheep. - I'm better" Sorry, ENFPs are the Bear, or nothing at all, I don't think they settle for less than everything. Of course, you ENTPs might be able to understand that too, huh? -- Anonymous
A29 this is kinda dumb first of all there are so many variations of enfp's and any other personality type for that matter. by that i mean that someone could be 55% feeling on their test, making them extremely close to being an entp. so you can't really give any advice to enfp's by generalizing it. also, when further applying that principe, it is possible to have percentages of around 55% more or less of each of the four aspects of a personality type, making it ridiculous to even try to address each type so generally. we are all individual people. not personality types. to break the human personality down in to 16 basic types is not something that should be the base of how people the social aspects of their lives. -- isabel
A30 My personality type is ENFP. I have a Master's Degree in Human Resource Development and a BA in Psychology. I'd much rather team up with others to balance out where I am not strong. -- Anonymous
A31 A17 - the only more insufferable than an egotistical ENFP is an egotistical ENTP - they often don't have a softer side to realise when they've offended someone. -- Anonymous
A32 I'm an ENFP and I'm in my third year of med school. Hardest year of my life so far because a) meeting others needs before my own gets me pretty much nowhere on the wards. and b) nurses can be real b**tches. and c) No one cares about the smile on your face if you haven't done your job. and d) no one cares if you've done your job if you don't know how to present your information in an organized and concise manner and e)its embarassing when you've already started crying {having not yet mastered d), above } and the one bathroom on the floor to curl up in the fetal position in, is taken and f)I don't have time do do all the things that I used to need to do to feel fun and interesting. And I don't have the energy or desire to put up with the bull**** of the people I used to do those things with. BUT: I only have enough energy to give to people who are healthy to be around, and reciprocal in their efforts. They feel farther and fewer between than I'd like right now, because I'm still in that transition. But it's coming. AND: Since I'm pathologically externally-motivated, and the only things that are really rewarded is a) respecting a few social rules and ditching the charm and b) actually knowing what I'm talking about (or not speaking up at all, because I WILL get called out on it) and c)being mutually supportive (ie not supporting others in a one sided manner so as to always remain in control) I think I'm becoming more well rounded or healthier or whatever you want to call it. Even more so when I finally learn how to do that last bit. That mutually supportive bit, thats hard. But my original intent in writing this was that yes, ENFPs can succeed. I wanted to drop out three times and almost did once, stuck with it and am glad I did. -- Anonymous
A33 And judgement. getting comfortable with judgement. hard. learnind to dish it back. harder. but a handy tool in ones back pocket -- Anonymous
A34 A29 is right. there are an infinite number of personality types -- Anonymous
A35 I am an ENFP, graduated from UCLA and am now working on my Master's. I think that I am succeeding because I have taken the time to find out what is important to me and personally satisfying. I love school and find myself growing so much as the years go by. School is the perfect catalyst for reflection and personal development, which is essential to me. I work so hard so that I can eventually have the freedom to be creative everyday and do whatever the hell I want without someone (who doesn't understand me) looking over my shoulder. ENFPs WILL RULE THE WORLD!! -- Kickin' Ass
A36 I don't change for anybody. -- Anonymous
A37 Three words: Attention Deficit Disorder. It's a real handicap, widely misunderstood by almost everyone, and very often misdiagnosed in adults, women and young girls. I could write on this topic for days, but i will just add that since being diagnosed with ADD i've found these sites to be incredibly helpful..kind of a light at the end of the tunnel:, (there are a few helpful podcasts when you search ADHD on itunes, and I just listened to "delivered from distraction" on mp3, which made me feel SO much better about accepting my ADD ( Also wanted to share two of my favorite delivered from distraction quotes related to ADD that make me feel 1000000 times better about the my own hard-to-predict fluctuations from extreme success and extreme failure that seem to plague both ENFPs and ADDers: "ADD is a gift, but it's difficult to unwrap." 2 best cures for ADD: marrying the right person, and getting the right job. -Dr. Hallowell, Delivered from distraction -- ENFP and ADD/ADHD
A38 I am an ENFP, was valedictorian of my high school and got straight A's all the way through to my Masters degree in Music. ENFPs definitely can follow through! I love learning and studying. I'm still not 100% sure about a PhD though because academics can sometimes be cuttingly critical and this approach doesn't benefit ENFPs. Any ENFP academics out there? -- Anonymous
A39 Come on people, we can't have only Enfp's answering this question! As long as u don't continue hectically insulting us! I'm sure u'v got answers. Unless we'r perfect, then u can just tell us, that's fine:)....Oops, did that Entp talking about egos get offended? over it:)... -- Anonymous
A40 Except for the few criticisms posted early in this chain, I must say that I am very pleased. Sure there are weaknesses associated with being an ENFP, as there are with ALL other personality types. What makes ENFP's different is that we judge our weaknesses against everyone else's strengths, which puts us at an unfair disadvantage. To make matters worse, we do it to ourselves. We MUST know that we are highly intelligent visionaries. Being a visionary is only problematic if we are living at the end of the thing istead of the beinning or the middle of the thing. View these as apportunities for growth, ie, planning. In today's economy, if you are not a visionary, you are dead weight. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty good to me. So, with that said, work on your "individual" weaknesses "one day at a time" Yes, Yes, I know this is a problem, but " one day at a time" is the only way we are going to make it. Thanks for helping me!!! SYE -- Anonymous
A41 Anyone here who took the time to be vulgar ignore them, anyone here who took the time to give you good quality answers that had good qualification, listen to them. As an ENFP who has learned to develop my reasoning, I can tell you this, it takes alot discipline to train a part of ourselves which is not naturally developed (logic and reason) however it is possible. Strangely and almost demented as it seems, the only reason I developed my reason was to be capable of arguing on par with my INTJ friend. 50% of our relationship revolves around debate. So, naturally as you can imagine, not being able to argue cohesively was really annoying, so I trained myself to become a more competent intellect. However, this cannot be the law by which everyone else betters themselves. As someone had mentioned early on, learn to balance all 8 functions, reflect on what needs to be corrected with you, and learn to look at things more objectively. It is hard, I know, especially as ENFP's to detach things emotionally, but trust me, if there is a type that can do it, it is ENFP. Regardless of what anyone else says. Have faith in yourself my friend. You can do it. -- Marty/ENFP
A42 Enfp's are the best!!! -- Anonymous
A43 WHO said ENFP were weak,stupid and had many difficulties to lead correctly their life? It may be the case for momentary vulnerable and impressionable Enfp fellows , but there is no perfect type. Enfps do not have a passion for responsibilities, boring stuff... Indeed, we are not the most serious people , I'll give you my personal example : I cannot plan anything on longterm, I get bored so quickly that I always need to meet new people, I have a real need to travel as often as possible, Studying makes me feel I'm loosin my time.. And there is no reason for any enfp try to change or become as normal and boring as everybody is. We just assume our free spirit way of life -- Anonymous
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