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Question #1122237195Sunday, 24-Jul-2005
Category: Intertype Relations Theory
What inter-type relationship generally works best for friendships? Mirror type? For instance i am an INFP (usually; more like XNXP but that's not a category!), and the mirror type is ENFJ. i have one friend that is ENFJ and we get along very well, better in many respects than almost any friend i've ever had. Also, with the Comparative relations - i have found that i am often attracted to many INTPs and become friends with many - but as it said in the description i've often found these friendships to wither after a few months or a few years. What's the deal with that? Is that common? Is that what was meant my CR being "deceptively similar"? And is all this getting in the way of seeing people as they really are? Can you answer any of these questions or am i just rambling? Thanks you for your time. -- Anonymous
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A1 Intertype relations are called so because they result from the interaction between the psychological types of people, not between the actual people themselves. Interpersonal relations have much wider meaning and include Intertype relations as well. Intertype relations could normally influence Interpersonal relationship significantly, but could also be outweighed by some other factors in the relationship. There are cases, for example, when ENFps get together with ISTjs (Conflicting Relations) and then end up living together as flatmates at best. As for the fist question, any Intertype relationship with a person from the same quadrable is good, this would be Identical, Duality, Activity or Mirror. -- Admin
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A2 Supposedly relations of activity work well for casual friendships. Your activity partner is the dual of your mirror. -- Anonymous
A3 "Also, with the Comparative relations - i have found that i am often attracted to many INTPs and become friends with many - but as it said in the description i've often found these friendships to wither after a few months or a few years. What's the deal with that? Is that common?" That's just a INTp thing, not because of comparative relation. INTp's are unsure what's the status of the relation, so we expect the other person to define it, by their actions. Also INTp's might not have the energy or don't remember to keep the friendship going on. So INTp's relations can wither away, unless the other person keeps them actively going. -- INTp
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