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Question #1122236097Sunday, 24-Jul-2005
Category: Theory Typing Intertype Relations
When an individual and thier partner score as having a duality relationship, but are each almost 50/50 on both thier thinking/feeling and judging/percieving attributes, how does that change the dynamic of the duality relationship? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 You don't really think that personality quizzes test your abilities for thinking/feeling or judgement/perception or whatever? You don't really think that by scoring almost 50/50, means you almost equally adept in both attributes? Most personality tests are about what would you do, how would you behave or how do you see yourself in respect to some situation from your own point of view. They are not the type of tests that will present you with a concrete problem and will require a concrete solution in order to evaluate your abilities to deal with a particular situation, whether it is thinking, feeling, judging, perceiving or whatever situation. This question: How much is -234.544 times 6868.34? a)7828787.32342 or b)-1610927.93696, will test your mathematical abilities, where as this one: What number do you prefer? a)7828787.32342 or b)-1610927.93696, will test your subjective evaluation of the presented numbers. Personality tests are designed to find your type based on your personality or rather your subjective evaluation of it. So if today you score as F, tomorrow you score as T and so on, does it mean that your type is changing? No it doesn't. Your subjective evaluation of your personality is changing, therefore the results, but not your type. So why should Relations of Duality be different if the both types stay the same? Would the change in your subjective evaluation of your personality affect the dynamic of your whole interpersonal relationship? Most probably yes in some way. However it will not affect the part of your relationship that is related to the Relations of Duality, because Relations of Duality are the relations between the two types, not the two people. -- Admin
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A2 The answer is the duality relationship is not affected in the slightest degree. The fact that you have a 50/50 split for both T/F and J/P indicates that P is more likely than J. This is the case since perceptives often fail to distinguish between value criteria and critical criteria in making decisions. Judgers seldom have the same trouble. Being duals means that you and your partner only share the J/P preference in common. If you're wrong and you don't share that either then you have conflicting relations. If you're both P's and also share T or F then you semi-duals. And finally if you're both J's and also share T or F then you're illusionary partners. -- metroGnome, the ostensible INTj
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