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Question #1120894689Saturday, 9-Jul-2005
Category: Intertype Relations Advice Relationship
Hi! Just thought I better ask a question involving a past workplace incident, it involves a personality clash with people in an industry I have worked for here in Australia, it is a traditional workplace with a clique type work environment. It was in a production line environment in the electrical side of the railway industry. There was a whole group of people who never wanted me there and it is based directly on personality, just analysing a lot of these people they appear to be ESTJ's, the thing is I am an ENFP but I had lots of conflict with these people, it says INFP's are the ones who are conflicting with ESTJ's. The differences I noticed between them and me was : - many only did what they needed to or did the least they could, whereas I did the more than I needed to, I had boundless amounts of energy compared to the others. - I liked to stay back 15 minutes after work to finish my timsheet, tie up loose ends and made sure I got the timesheet done right, it was very detailed, others liked to pack up 1/2 an hour early, wash their hands and clock off right on the dot. - I liked to make sure what was on my timesheet was in accordance with my values, in other words, what I wrote on the workshop I actually did, others would fudge their timesheets by filling it out with jobs which they never did. - Others couldn't work out how I got so much work done in a day so said I was cheating, I did things without a specific plan and got things done quicker that way, I also knew how to make money. - I was flexible and the others were traditional and set in their ways, they didn't like me doing things differently, I was seen to be a rebel. - I am a harmonizer in communication, others were gossipers as the department was known as the rumour mill. -Others saw me as a threat, including supervisors, I was acting like a supervisor without knowing it, I was good at leading people and I had a knack for picking up on what wasn't said, in the end the concrete types thought I was crazy. - Others used bad language as a common form of communication, I do swear on occasions but I spoke better than they did and was more articulate, they also appeared to lack the empathy I had towards people, I tried to use my form of communication on them and it never worked for long anyway. - For them I was hard to get to know as I am complex & intuitive, they were more concrete & simple. - I connect with people through networking, others connected because they were group oriented, I liked being friendly with everyone from a labourer all the way up to the senior manager, I also liked to interact with the people who worked at the cafeteria, I speak to a wide variety of people rather than being in a group. - I am quiet but say a lot at times but can be a chatterbox & say little sometimes, others say little but are loud & speak a lot. - While it wasn't the best job I made it rewarding by using my imagination, the more concrete people thought I was strange as they hated working in any job. - I like to break the ice with someone to get to know them by trying to find a commom point of reference (e.g. I have seen that person before and they have changed their hair style, I will ask them about it), the others would ask simple questions like what's happening or something which relates to them, in other words they expect you to relate to them immediately. - I hit supervisors up for new jobs as I got bored with the menial stuff, I learned skills in 2 different sections of that department, this got the other workers worried as they didn't care what they did as long as they got payed. - Like I mentioned before, I liked to lead people but not to boss them around, others from labourers onwards liked to boss people around. - Stresswise, I went quiet when under stress, others would become angry. - In regards to my Jung expressions I have Fe (extroverted feeling) as I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, the others are Fi (introverted feeling)and tend not to be bothered by things around them and can let things slide easier, taking things as a grain of salt, but these people can hurt people like me and cannot work out why I get so upset about things. You can see I am extroverted because I am interested in people and things, introverts have trouble speaking their mind where I have trouble with keeping things to myself and letting the world know how I really feel ot think. I also call a spade a spade and I am idealistic (have the NF component of my personality), I have found out I end up getting bored with jobs also because of a lack of creativity, many other when they hate a person will still tow the line when it comes to the politics & bureaucracy of an organization whereas I won't as it goes against my value system, also I hate oppressive authority. I don't tend to have a great deal of close friends, perhaps it is to do with my country location but many people I have met don't tend to match up with my ideals, a lot have been like the people I have mentioned. I know my personality is an ENFP, note how much I wrote and the intuitive side is noticeable, note I still hate ISTJ's as our prime minister is one and I hate him, the others would have to be ESTJ's, Right? I can only assume mixing a free spirited idealist with a judger is bad news. -- Russell Booth
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A4 I have tested as an ENFP by temperament , I've written in before regarding a workplace problem. Well , things got a little worse for me when I plugged into a motivational organization for the Amway business,which I am not doing anymore because it was doing too much damage to my relationships with others & I found out the "system" was only there to rip people off, It did change my personality , though my type didn't change, I actually became more introverted and my level of intuition shot right up from moderate to very high. I am more back to my old self but I feel I have been left in a worse position than I was in before , though it could've been to do with me as well , I've been off it for 2 months now. It all got worse when I worked for a mining company (that's meant to be a big no,no for an ENFP) but I had a run in with a supervisor who wouldn't help me out and if things weren't done right or on time he'd confront people head on. I'm different in the way I am good natured & work "with" people , the thing with this supervisor is he had a chip on his shoulder as he'd normally blame a contractor for things not working out as they should , the thing is this I always kept a step ahead of him in regards to " covering my backside" so he couldn't kick it. I "nutted" a lot of things out for myself on the electrical wiring part (I'm an electrician by trade) and my foreman always praised me about how much of a "trooper" I was because I tenaciously stuck to my guns , note the supervisor got a kick in the butt for the project taking too long to complete by the managing director. You see , when the machine (continuous miner) was dismantled , there was no one supervising anybody ,we were just told to strip it , the point is we didn't know photos should've been taken so he could "visualize" how things went together. My foreman was trying to keep me there so he could make me a permanent employee, the management so called put me on as a permanent employee only to be sacked as a contractor a few days later , it was as if they didn't forecast the workload properly, they ran out. Since then , I have had some employers refuse to employ me, some labour hire firms have also had a hard time placing me anywhere , I am now 29 years of age. I've had some people agree with me when I said that the coal mining industry culture in my area in Australia is wierd , in my area there is a big "clique" in the industry and I just don't seem to fit into it or to get in you have to know somebody in the industry ,or at worst " severely kiss ass". In a lot of industries in my trade it seems to be a recurrent thing that I come across a whole lot of people I cannot work with and an employer prefers to put on people where there is no friction , it seems to be around the cold thinking & systematic types there tends to be friction between us. With a boss, he didn't like it when I stuck up for myself when he was trying to make me a scapegoat for something I didn't do. Some of these labor hire agencies are acting arrogantly towards me now , note last year we've had some changed to our workplace laws , they are trying to stamp out the unions. I am starting to see a problem here , I am a warm , caring,gentle ,friendly ,co-operative person who is working with people who are cold, uncaring , harsh, miserable & unco-operative. I was working at a firm today as a labourer as the work placement agency has had trouble placing me in a firm , some of the guys were wondering what the hell I was doing there ?? Well , I was filling in for a guy who wasn't all that intelligent ,had a real rough life ( was abandoned by his parents) and couldn't organize himself , the boss felt sorry for the guy so he let me go thinking I'd find a job easier than he would. The thing here is this has pushed my workplace consultants nose out of joint because he thinks I have done something wrong. I was wondering if any ENFP's ,any "NF" people , or anybody for that matter has had this problem & what they did to rectify it , did you change your career ? I was told by a career psychologist who used the MBTI for job plaement that I should get out of it , the point is most of the jobs I'd be suited to are far lower paying. I could do a course in human resources but some of the people in that field have also left a sour taste in my mouth (industry politics) , perhaps they shouldn't be in those positions either. -- Russell
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