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Question #1119823109Sunday, 26-Jun-2005
Category: Duality Intertype Relations
Is there a particular type of conflict that occurs in dual couples commonly? -- Anonymous
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A1 There are all sorts of conflicts that occur between the Duals. Duals are very different, and where there is a difference there is a potential conflict waiting to happen. But ironically, the strength of Dual relationship is in the difference between the Duals. -- Admin
A2 They say. Thing that, when your dual does something, where you are stronger with your type, it is unpleasent sometimes. Like you are INTj, with strong logic and this makes you into a person, who's understandings are controlled with resaurses. But your dual, ESFj, want's to be an opinnion leader in somewhere, where you are good. Let's say in Kantian philosophy. She or he may confuse you and irritate, because she prooves her or he's points emotionally, instead of using facts and analisation. -- Anonymous
A3 If same sex duals who are friends start out as equals, and then one suddenly achieves a higher status than the other, there will be trouble. Also, if two duals are dating and one wants an exclusive relationship and the other wants to see other people, chances are they will not stay together for very long. But their breakup will not be an ugly one. -- anonymous
A4 "Also, if two duals are dating and one wants an exclusive relationship and the other wants to see other people, chances are they will not stay together for very long." and this rarly goes well with almost any couple. -- Anonymous
A5 Duals see things VERY differently which can lead to conflict but can also lead to betterment. -- Anonymous
A6 A4 Bingo, I was saying the exact same thing as I read it. Think that applies to every romantic relationship; not strictly duals. A3 says it like it's insightful info, it's more like common sense. Even for a socially "handicap" INTJ like me. -- MBTI and Socionics INTJ
A7 There is nothing as bad as a romantic relationship with a dual with whom you have nothing in common. Zero shared interests, coupled with a weird attraction means if you do fight about a lack of shared direction, you quickly start to doubt everything about your relationship. The rhythm is usually what makes it work. When the rhythm is interrupted, the relationship vanishes. The relationship is surprisingly fragile in this way. -- Anonymous
A8 A8 I find the N/S difference is one of the most annoying difficulties, because you will rarely get an easy conversation that is equally interesting to both parties. Not a huge problem, but one that will bug you almost every day and therefore add up. -- ENTP
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