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Question #1103065728Tuesday, 14-Dec-2004
Category: Advice Typing
I was wondering if you could go into depth about the more unconventional methods of type I.D. I have been trying to uncover my own type for quite some time now and all that I have noticed is my tendency to manipulate temperament sorters. Thank you. -- Anonymous
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A1 There is one technique you could try. First find what quadrable you belong to. In order to do that you need to understand the quadrable values and the quadrable spirit. In order to do this you need to understand Stanislav Grof's 4 perinatal matrices, which very closely correspond to 4 Socionics quadrables. Alternatively, you can examine your surrounding. Normally people have tendency to stick with people from the same quadrable or at least find themselves comfortable to be with. Next thing you need to do is to understand and come in terms with your hidden agenda. This bit is tricky because of the defensive mechanisms associated with hidden agendas it could be difficult to realise. Then by cross referencing the results you should get only 1 type. Example: you find out you can closely relate to 2nd perinatal matrix experience, which would correspond to Beta quadrable. So you would look at 4 types: ENFj ESTp ISTj INFp. Then you find out that your hidden agenda is "to understand". This narrows it down to 2 types INFp and ISFp. Cross referencing both results would give you INFp. If there is no common type in both results, you either got the quadrable wrong or the hidden agenda, or both. -- Admin
A2 This is odd: I seem to be both extroverted and introverted, thinking and feeling (50:50), but highly intuitive and perceptive. I also fit the characters of INFP and ENTP equally as well. Can someone help get myself in order? How could I seem to fit such differing profiles? -- Nina
Moderator's comment
First you'll want to make sure you're thinking in Socionics language instead of MBTI. If you want to know your sociotype don't refer to MBTI profiles, that will be a start. In socionics it is best to display the last letter as lowercase (INFp and ENTp).
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