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The Strength in Relationships
by I/O

The four strongest inter-type relations are Dual, Super-ego, Semi-Dual and Illusionary pairs with Super-Ego being the easiest to start. This article assigns strength factors to Socionics' inter-type relations based on Maslov's hierarchy of needs. Successful relationships provide a sense of security and mutual ...
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C15 C13, you reinforce my statement in C8: "relationships can change because needs change." My article certainly does assume ideal (benign, all things equal) scenarios because if for example, one were starving or in a war zone, all the needs and factors that I discuss would likely be overshadowed or skewed. My point still remains that the strength of a long-term relationship is proportional to fundamental needs. We may have high divorce rates because personality, situation and environment will often skew the perception of need. -- I/O
C16 @C14. Well I thought I was, turns out I'm an ENTp. I still think that there's something peculiar about the list though. Turns out I have at least 3 mirrors around me in various states. A sibling, a friend, and a co-worker. The sibling, even though older, has recently "broken" and stopped resisting me. This could be because as an ENTp people around me sort of, trust me, and I'm uh, Ne and psychic, competent and invent solutions to problems that have been plaguing the family/neighborhood for years. The friend keeps wondering why we're still friends; the answer is exceedingly simple: he gets no choice, I decide when our friendship is over, but I don't tell him that. While the co-worker is slow, unmotivated, slow, unapproachable, cannot be "trained" to do the job faster, slow, and generally lacks a certain hot blooded quality causing all of his work style to be perceived as slow. Doing the same task, day in and day out, using the same method. In his position I had doubled the output of the next guy and developed methods to further increase output within my first week on the job. I suppose I've given up on INTjs entirely. They need to stop clogging my ENTp forums with their rationality and logically logical logician's logic. Yes I know my idea is illogical, so is an infinite fire inside of a glass bulb powered by magnets rubbing copper wire. So this further proves I/O with his (his = a male until she points out otherwise) "relationships can change because" et cetera et cetera (ಠ_ಠ). Instead of leaving a single line in the text make up a table that shows just how vastly different a relationship can change. Anyone can include a line like this and hide behind it when trouble shows up. Finally views and opinions can change and what seems correct to people at one time may and probably will change to some degree over time. <==See I can do it too. -- Mythikh
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