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The real "Ethics" of Gamma SFs - Uncovered
by Astra

Gamma SFs, the Politicans (ESFP) and Conservators (ISFJ), are masters of exploiting interpersonal relations to ensure they get what *they* want at minimal personal cost. The game is self-assertion and obesiance, and what they want can change on a whim. Depending on their perceived "severity" of the issue, they can ...
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Your Comments: 1+ 24+
C24 This article was written by an ISFP with plenty of experience with Contrary and Quasi-Identical grief and observations of effects on others as well. ISFPs can read people pretty well. I actually revisited this article because I thought perhaps I should request to have it taken down after all these years, in case it was exaggerated. Well after re-reading it the truth is even worse than this article states. I'm leaving it up and am happy to see others attest to the validity of these attestations because people have the right to know what they're up against instead of common literature falsely praising them to be ethical and model citizens. In closing, there is a chance there were some mistypings in A1 - I'm not going to try to review it again. I will leave it to you other readers' judgments to do the work. After 18 years of on/off Socionics studies, I've perhaps freely contributed enough for now. -- Anonymous
C25 This is true isfjs have the strongest moral convictions.... which all seem to revolve around their own benefit! I've been annoyed by this for so long, I'm glad someone finally said it. I know an isfj farmer wife and I asked her to send me a photocopy of a page out of book. She said no that's wrong, that's copyright Then she proceeded to show me around the farm including her pesticide spraying machine! Real moral she is (sarcasm) -an intp -- Anonymous
C26 C23-I'm an ENFj too, and this description fits a very close person of mine, who abandoned me when I needed them for the first time in my life, even though I've done everything I could for this person before. Why? Because I refused to make them look good as the author of this article said, and because I spoke the truth. Anyway, the main reason why I'm writing this is because I want to draw attention to a small pattern I have noticed, and which I would like for someone to explain to me (if it is indeed valid and explainable). I have noticed that ENFjs' writings always contain lots of brackets (as silly as this may sound), such as in C23's answer. What's between brackets is usually a further unnecessary clarification, information or explanation. Is there an explanation for this? Or am I just being delusional? Haha! -- Anonymous
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