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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
Which type do you consider the happiest?
ENFj - The Actor148718.1 %
ENFp - The Reporter121814.8 %
ENTj - The Pioneer2352.9 %
ENTp - The Inventor4615.6 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast126115.3 %
ESFp - The Ambassador123615.0 %
ESTj - The Director1601.9 %
ESTp - The Conqueror3934.8 %
INFj - The Empath1842.2 %
INFp - The Romantic3904.7 %
INTj - The Analyst2533.1 %
INTp - The Observer1792.2 %
ISFj - The Guardian1141.4 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker3254.0 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist1001.2 %
ISTp - The Artisan2262.7 %
Total Votes: 8222
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+
C1 Hmmm, will people just vote for their own personality type? What does the poll really measure? -- AL
C2 @C1. Of course, people will vote for their own personality type because everyone considers oneself the happiest... MAMMA MIA, MA CHE STRONZO! What planet do you come from? -- Dr. Zoidberg
C3 I voted for my dual. -- BLauritson (INTp)
C4 C3...Your dual is ESFj, stop fooling around! -- Anonymous
C5 I refuse to believe that -- BLauritson (INTp)
C6 I think it doesn't only depend on the type, but on the mood as well. For example happy ESFjs could be considered the happiest type while ESFjs with problems could be considered the saddiest ones -- Anonymous
C7 I voted ESFJ. They are very functional and I don't think they are plagued by a lot of self-doubt. -- cafe (InFj)
C8 C6:good point! -- Anonymous
C9 its ESFj, stop fooling around! the best type! -- kam
C10 The happiest types are: INTj and INTp. Most of the rest of the types need things they can't have unless they are rich, such as expensive cars, houses and beautiful women. All INTs need to be just as happy is, books and complicated interests or games -- Anonymous
C11 I know an ESTj, happiest girl alive. -- -Yusef
C12 INTPs look like horrible things have happened to them. Requires the most amount of stimulation. ESFJ for the win. -- INTERPOL
C13 I have an ESFJ friend. From the outside, you could say she is, most of the time, happy and smiling when surrounded by people. But when she is alone, she is usually confused. She usually tries to satisfy other's expectations (not hers). I think that is not true happiness. -- ESFP
C14 i dont think esfj are very happy people, yes they are not much plagued by self-doubt but i think they have to supress their self-doubt by being in controll, which eventually, nobody likes to be controlled and the people they controlled will hit them hard with feelings then they feel insercue, and yea they also always want to fit into the crowd thefore they change their own manners and the way they talk just to want to feel accepted, so buttom line, yes, they will feel like they have it all becuase thinking is one of their last funtion so no self doubt, which creates an false believe wonderful world around them to the outsider, but on the inside they would feel like an insercue lonely person just like i would at times as an enfj -- enfj
C15 oooh, I am so envious of the ESFj. All the power, all the "Just do it"-attitude, always so merily happy and stories to tell. I know one ESFj who could even motivate dead corpse with his heartily power. I wish I was like an ESFj, I wish I could change my personal type. Sigh. Or at least I wish I could have an ESFj as a soulmate. I am INFp(of course?) -- Anonymous
C16 I didn't vote for my type. I'm not happy. -- Anonymous
C17 A close friend and my ex-boyfriend are ESFJs, and I don't know about being the happiest, but they are both incredibly patient, accepting, giving people and astonishingly adaptive... but I don't know about Myers-Briggs enough to even know if this is what ESFJs are typically like. Maybe my darlings are just incredible by themselves & have developed over the top. x) Anyways, I am pleased to see that my type ranked 2nd. I'm speaking for myself here, but hopefully I'm capturing a general ENFP perspective: I try to be happy, because I want to see others happy. I want us all to be thankful of life and never miss a beat. It's easy for me to be enthusiastic, and I absolutely love it when I've infected someone else with it. When I am truly sad, I would only ever want my closest friends to see me, because I need their help or want us to know each other even more. Everyone else thinks I'm crazy happy, but yeah, honestly, I am sad a lot more times than ppl realize, & deeply, because I love & want to love everything so much. I go as low as I go high. As for my vote, I gave it to the ENFJ, cuz i know one, & she is perhaps the sweetest, most loving person I have ever met. We build on each other's energy... but she gets really sad, too, so now that C10 mentions it... INTs are advantageously content. My super sexy INTJ boyfriend is stable, strong, & self-sufficient. He has little needs and great control of the few desires he seems to have. He doesn't seem to go as high as most ppl, but I've never seen him so low, either. Most of all... I'm sure he has doubts every once in a while, just because I believe that everyone does, but he is never ever *plagued* by doubt. He is direct, honest, totally himself, and doesn't care what other ppl think, so he does whatever he chooses to do. Sometimes I feel like he needs more in life than he knows, so I try to infect him with my exuberance, but the rest of the time I feel like he is more better-off than anyone else, BECAUSE he is so steady. less lows = happier person? I tell him I am a zig-zag, & then he tells me he is a straight line. I am in awe of his hotness. I'm sorry that this is so long! I talk too much. -- reina (ENFP)
C18 ESFjs may look happy from the outside, but when alone they may feel useless and unhappy. I voted ENTP, they are smart to handle every situation the fell into. -- carlos INFj
C19 I used to think ESFJs were the happiest personality, because they project a perfect image to convince everybody of their happiness. But now I am not so sure... I think I was overestimating ESFJs. Based on my personal experience, the "Enthusiasts" of the world are very easily wounded. I think the two happiest types are "The ambassador" ESFP, or "The Reporter" ENFP. ESFPs just brush off problems like nothing ever happened, and ENFPs are endlessly excited about everything, whether it is good or bad. They just delight in the feeling of existence. So these two types deserve more consideration as the happiest types. -- Joel ENFP
C20 i think -p types are happier than -j types. They worry about useless things much less and are more flexible. Tend to be, at least. I voted for ESFp, they're so cheerful all the time -- INTp
C21 Thank you C19 and C20! C20 you got it spot on. Hey, do I know you? As for ESFJs, come on you guys, have you ever pissed one of them off?! Not fun! or happy! -- Anonymous
C22 I voted ESFP because they always SEEM happy with the simple things and love people, which is the source of much of my frustration. They seem so carefree and vibrant. Sometimes i wish I had their joie de vivre! -- Jennifer INTJ
C23 i've always known ESFJ's to be a little extreme. they can get really happy, but when they are sad, they become very cynical and depressed. at least the ones i am acquainted with. -- ENFP
C24 I analyzed what each people would have to deal with in life, while some types are tested on various things, the enthusiast remains enthusiastic and therefore always positive and happy in their role. I voted them to be the most happiest, I myself an am ambassador. -- Sarah
C25 I voted ESFJ because they are the type least known to me. -- Vladimir Kornea
C26 C10: "The happiest types are INTj and INTp." Only if you are on drugs. -- Anonymous
C27 I know a male ESFJ. If you don't like him, then there's something wrong with you. -- Anonymous
C28 I'm ENTP, i've no friends that really cares me and understands me. Why? -- Stefan (from China)
C29 I'm not sure Stefan, do you realy care for and understand your friends? -- Anonymous
C30 I go for the TP combos. Feelers might have higher emotions, but they also get lower. While T's can be found to be more even kiltered and fine with what's going on. And if they are a P then they have a more laid back outlook on what's going on in their life, and obstacles/complications don't bring them down as much. Overall TP's are going to be the most content. I'm an ENTP, and even when things really suck I can see the positive. -- Anonymous
C31 Wow. Love how my type appears to be the least happy. -- ISFJ
C32 The ESFP is the most oblivious, and ignorance is bliss. The would could be ending and ESFP: "Oh kewl u guise look at my new shoes!!111" - ENTP -- Anonymous
C33 Damn, I'm an ENFP, and I'm really not that happy all the time. I just try to make the situation smooth so that other people are happy, and that definitely doesn't mean I am. -- Archagek
C34 My daughter (ISFp) and her husband (ENTp) have tried to teach me about this stuff. I am supposedly an ESFj, and have not felt like one (comparing myself with other ESFj's I know, or reading blurbs about them.) I voted for ESFj, just because I am happy, though. Anyway, reading the comments about this type, has finally given me the idea that I might actually be one. I am "not...plagued by self-doubt" [C14]. I am an "incredibly patient, accepting, giving [person] and astonishingly adaptive..." [C17] I really like people and may be happiest around them, but I am not bored doing things by myself either-in short, I'm happy. I am mostly only unhappy when someone doesn't understand me or rejects me as their friend.... -- FRL
C35 INTP's are only happy when you aren't looking. The world is an unfriendly place to INTP's. -- Anonymous
C36 i love to be a free menber of this love site. -- charit
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