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- CottonCandyWorm -
Profile Statistics
Last Updated 15th February 2018
Last Online 6 years ago
Profile Views 825
General Info
Gender Female
Orientation Bi
Age Group 26-35
Location North America
Star Sign Libra
My Type
1st Choice INTp
2nd Choice INTj
My TURBO /// XL Result
My TURBO /// XL Personality INTp - 85%
I often wonder about the past or the future. I am often hesitant and doubtful. I am all about freedom from responsibilities and obligations. I am often having difficulties with initiating new contacts. I do not know many people. I am attracted more to the theory than to its utilisation. I plan ahead but usually act impulsively following the situation. I seek fewer but deeper interactions with people. I am abstract, speculative, imaginative and idealistic.
I subject everything to logical analysis. I never leave out unanswered questions. I often weigh my own opinions against the opinions of others. I shy away from emotional disputes and quarrels. I am often immersed in my own world of thoughts and feelings. I am fond of privacy and seclusion. I like to observe and study other people and their relationships. I care about the future more than the present. I am normally relatively unemotional or even cold.
I am interested in everything different and unusual. I am having difficulties with commitments. I appreciate ordered systems and structures. I feel very confident with all aspects of logical reasoning. I easily get bored of any routine repetition. I appreciate solitude. I could easily break no longer wanted relationships. I readily share personal information with strangers. I am often reserved and quiet.
My reasons for being here
Curiosity, Socionics.
More about me
I'm particularly engrossed by analogical systems, abstract reasoning,physical sciences and the understanding of the human psyche. Interactions with acquaintances tend to be brief,uncomfortable and vague. If individuals are not conversing about subject matter that I find stimulating, I tend to zone out. My overall purpose is find my own definition of universal truth. Situations hold meaning, codes and connections to the cosmos.
What I've been up to lately
How others type me

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