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- angiexxxjewels -
Profile Statistics
Last Updated 17th October 2016
Last Online 8 years ago
Profile Views 795
General Info
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Age Group 26-35
Location Africa
Star Sign Virgo
My Type
1st Choice INFj
2nd Choice INFj
My TURBO /// XL Result
My TURBO /// XL Personality
I often find myself in a struggle between emotional and intellectual self. I feel very confident with all aspects of logical reasoning. I often wonder about the past or the future. I plan ahead but usually act impulsively following the situation. I never leave out unanswered questions. I appreciate solitude. I am paying attention to people and their feelings. I am often immersed in my own world of thoughts and feelings. I am having difficulties with commitments. I am often having difficulties with initiating new contacts.
I seek fewer but deeper interactions with people. I am all about freedom from responsibilities and obligations. I show interest towards love and passion. I like to observe and study other people and their relationships. I shy away from emotional disputes and quarrels. I could quickly make new acquaintances or adapt to a new group. I do not know many people. I often find myself in a struggle between materialistic and spiritual self. I plan ahead and tend to follow the plan. I am abstract, speculative, imaginative and idealistic.
I am very confident about my own physique. I easily get bored of any routine repetition. I like action and show initiative. I readily share personal information with strangers. I care about the future more than the present. I am fond of privacy and seclusion. I am often reserved and quiet. I often feel bound by my own promises and appointments. I often get touchy-feely or use emotional manipulation. I am interested in everything different and unusual.
My reasons for being here
Curiosity, Educational, Professional, Socionics.
More about me
Hi, I am a strange, stubborn survivor. Female. 25. INFJ for sure.
I was born in Kiev Ukraine in the year 1991, when the country gained independence. As a kid, I always did everything to please my parents, but always had a very strange and much deeper understanding of the things happening around me.
I felt like a grown up in a kids body, always tried to do the right thing, and improve myself. However, I was very drawn to mystical and inexplicable ideas, as a child in a dysfunctional family, who had very low self-esteem, due to my race and not fitting in at school.
So I eventually mastered the skill of adaptation so well that I could mirror anyone I met. I can remember watching a movie or hearing a song, and it would move me so much, to the point where I would become obsessed with it, and actually played roles throughout my teenage years.
I also found that when giving advice, I never knew the answers, but when I spoke out, the right words seemed to just come out from somewhere else.
I felt misunderstood, did not fully understand myself, and often thought I was more of an alien, so I tried to embrace the fact that I am just different.
As I got older, I discovered the law of attraction and immediately felt an intense connection to what I was hearing in those tapes. I spent every second of the day practising it in solitude until I literally changed my mindset and understanding of my power.
I went from hating what I looked like and who I was, to being the exact person I wanted to be. I was able to notice and overcome anything. I was fearless and sure of my destiny. I always felt that this lifetime was very important and so I still put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed, and feel very bad if my "magic" does not work.
I have been away from family for over 7 years on a quest to find my authentic self, and yet I seem to be finding it harder and harder to focus on what truly matters. I am easily persuaded by others whom I feel for, and find it hard to give up on people.
I have abandoned my dreams of being an actress and musician and chose a career I am not proud of, because I needed to be independent. I prefer to be alone, yet I still feel very random spikes of passionate energy and have amazing ideas, until someone else comes along and my concern shifts from myself to the other person.
I still am very determined but I lose track of my goals. I work very hard and I am always learning and improving myself. I take full responsibility for my life, my actions and my outcomes, but struggle to find balance between my intuitive exploration and the material world.
I often miss what is right in front of me, but rely on my intuition more than anything. I know I could succeed in anything, but since abandoning my childhood dreams, it is hard to choose what I want to succeed in, so I often feel depressed and like giving up.
I often put my own values aside when other people are involved.Which is probably the best thing I can do, since I seem to be able to help others much better than helping myself. I do know for sure that I will overcome this though, and I am grateful for all that I have learnt and experienced to make me who I am.
What I've been up to lately
My YouTube video

How others type me

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