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- ruonnour8 -
Profile Statistics
Last Updated 30th March 2015
Last Online 9 years ago
Profile Views 1,070
General Info
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Age Group 16-25
Location Africa
Star Sign Sagittarius
My Type
1st Choice INTp
2nd Choice INFp
My TURBO /// XL Result
My TURBO /// XL Personality INTp - 68%
I appreciate ordered systems and structures. I often pay compliments to please people. I shy away from emotional disputes and quarrels. I show interest towards love and passion. I dislike changing my own decisions. I like to observe and study other people and their relationships. I plan ahead but usually act impulsively following the situation. I am abstract, speculative, imaginative and idealistic. I am often hesitant and doubtful.
I readily share personal information with strangers. I am interested in everything different and unusual. I often act without any preparation at all. I flee rather than talk about feelings. I am having difficulties with commitments. I could easily break no longer wanted relationships. I am all about freedom from responsibilities and obligations. I often get touchy-feely or use emotional manipulation. I prefer smaller quick returns to larger long term investments. I do not know many people.
I am 'A New Day, A New Life, A New Me' type of person. I am often having difficulties with initiating new contacts. I am often reserved and quiet. I often wonder about the past or the future. I am often immersed in my own world of thoughts and feelings. I often find myself in a struggle between emotional and intellectual self. I seek fewer but deeper interactions with people. I see everything and sense everything. I often weigh my own opinions against the opinions of others.
My reasons for being here
More about me
I understand things quickly
I can read people like a book
I am not affected by rejection
I am easily upset, sad etc..
I say what i think but not in a rude way
What I've been up to lately
How others type me

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