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- chateaudusaint -
Profile Statistics
Last Updated 4th October 2015
Last Online 9 years ago
Profile Views 945
General Info
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Age Group 56-65
Location Asia
Star Sign Scorpio
My Type
1st Choice No idea
2nd Choice No idea
My TURBO /// XL Result
My TURBO /// XL Personality INTj - 62%
I am normally relatively unemotional or even cold. I prefer smaller quick returns to larger long term investments. I appreciate ordered systems and structures. I plan ahead and tend to follow the plan. I am often hesitant and doubtful. I often find myself in a struggle between emotional and intellectual self. I subject everything to logical analysis. I appreciate solitude.
I seek fewer but deeper interactions with people. I feel very confident with all aspects of logical reasoning. I am very confident about my own physique. I easily get bored of any routine repetition. I am paying attention to people and their feelings. I often wonder about the past or the future. I am abstract, speculative, imaginative and idealistic. I am concrete, materialistic, realistic and practical. I could easily break no longer wanted relationships.
I quickly explore and get familiar with new places. I shy away from emotional disputes and quarrels. I am often reserved and quiet. I like to observe and study other people and their relationships. I am often immersed in my own world of thoughts and feelings. I like action and show initiative. I could quickly make new acquaintances or adapt to a new group. I am 'A New Day, A New Life, A New Me' type of person. I am fond of privacy and seclusion.
My reasons for being here
Curiosity, Educational, Professional, Friendship, Socionics.
More about me
Writer for Hire:
Writer for website content, editor, proofreader, ghostwriter, technical writer, article writer, press release writer, blogger, web developer, web programmer, software engineer (ex lube engineer).
Honest, trustworthy, reliable, creative, friendly, multi-lingual, flexible, welcomes new friends or acquaintances (for any project online).
What I've been up to lately
How others type me

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