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- Ram85628558 -
Profile Statistics
Last Updated 12th March 2019
Last Online 5 years ago
Profile Views 1,485
General Info
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Age Group 26-35
Location North America
Star Sign Capricorn
My Type
1st Choice No idea
2nd Choice No idea
My TURBO /// XL Result
My TURBO /// XL Personality ESTp - 81%
I am normally relatively unemotional or even cold. I am having difficulties with commitments. I often act without any preparation at all. I actively seek pleasures based on physical sensations. I am all about freedom from responsibilities and obligations. I live every day in the here and now. I am very confident about my own physique. I easily pass my own moods onto others.
I am concrete, materialistic, realistic and practical. I readily share personal information with strangers. I am outgoing and talkative. I am actively involved in what is happening outside and around me. I see everything and sense everything. I could easily break no longer wanted relationships. I could quickly make new acquaintances or adapt to a new group. I easily get bored of any routine repetition. I like action and show initiative.
I quickly explore and get familiar with new places. I flee rather than talk about feelings. I am interested in everything different and unusual. I show interest towards love and passion. I like to be the centre of attention. I subject everything to logical analysis. I feel very confident with all aspects of logical reasoning. I prefer smaller quick returns to larger long term investments. I like to observe and study other people and their relationships.
My reasons for being here
Curiosity, Educational, Boredom, Socionics.
More about me
I like to have fun
What I've been up to lately
How others type me

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