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My Take on Hidden Agenda
06 November 2008

by I/O

Hidden agenda is based on your fourth function, the one that hardly gets satisfied because the other three functions are considered before it. The psyche subconsciously wants it to be satisfied but it is overruled most times. The best way to have it fulfilled is through a partner. To understand how a function would produce a hidden agenda, you must consider how it operates as a primary function.

The feeling or ethical function, when introverted (Fi), places itself at the centre of perspective for purposes of rationalization; its own values are considered first and foremost. Even when considering the needs of others, the perspective is self-centred; how do "I feel"? This function does for others (sometimes martyr-like) because it seeks attention to its own set of values. It would prefer the world to have this same set of values. It frequently does onto others as it wants others to do onto it, and this is accomplished through ministrations which can be construed as needing "to love", the Jean d' Arc function so to speak.

When the feeling or ethical function is extroverted (Fe), it places others at the centre of perspective; self and its values are considered last. When considering the needs of self, the perspective is still external; how would "he/she feel"? Because self is listened to or considered so little, the function needs to be looked after by the external world. Therefore, while it is continually focused on others, it needs support and validation from somewhere else, and this can be construed as needing "to be loved".

The thinking or logical function, when introverted (Ti), places it own rationalization at the centre of perspective. Even when serving the needs of others, the perspective is self-centred; what do "I think" would meet that persons needs and is having that persons needs met useful to my concept? This function takes it away to ponder it. It processes information into its own utilitarian view of the world. Because it operates on data that has already been extracted and is disassociated from the external world, it's deductive reasoning requires a comprehensive study of the data, the need "to understand" in order to produce output.

When the thinking or logical function is extroverted (Te), it places external information at the centre of perspective; it's always second guessing its own determinations. This function thinks out loud so to speak. Even when developing its own inventions, the perspective is external; how did/would others do it? This function prefers to apply information or solutions that have already been tested, but success in doing this requires extensive knowledge, hence, the need "to know".

The sensing function, when introverted (Si), places internal information at the centre of perspective, and this information is used to hone personal skill or abilities. The functioning of self and the immediate impact of environment on self are the primary data being acquired. Details about the environment and others are acquired for immediate personal application. Key to acquiring this information is personal health, the need "to be healthy"; otherwise the function loses sensing ability.

When extroverted, the sensing function (Se), places external information at the centre of perspective. It is the environment that produces information important to this function. Details about the environment and others are acquired for information purposes and future reference, not necessarily for immediate application. In a sense, it is a collector function. In order to acquire data, a rich environment is essential, and this can be construed as needing "to be wealthy", which is rather subjective term.

The intuitive function, when introverted (Ni), brings contextual information relevant only to self into memory. The information on self and its environment is based on impressions that have few facts to support them. The immediate influence of environment and its influence on the external world are quite subjective and lacks perspective from the real world. For this function to operate, there has to be a certain amount of faith that these non-factual impressions have validity so the function needs "to believe" in these impressions.

When extroverted, the intuitive function (Ne), brings external contextual information to the centre of perspective. It is the interrelationships, moods and impressions of the world, not the details that are acquired by this function. It is a collector of information that is based on harmonies, patterns or formulas; it detects perfectly realized aspects of environment (symphonies so to speak), which can be construed as needing to see things as perfectly orchestrated in some way (the notes being less important), hence the need to see perfection, "to be perfect".
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