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Question #1322052568Wednesday, 23-Nov-2011
Category: INFp Success/Failure Mental Disorders
I'm learning to drive and although I'm pretty clever, I have massive problems with concentrating on driving and understanding simple logic. I've even gone through a red light without noticing it! Not good, so any advice on how to improve my weaknesses? -- Simon the INFp
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A1 I used to teach drivers ed. in Maryland (right outside Washington DC) for seven years. I'd need more information in order to help guide you to a good solution. Do you have any anxiety over driving? How much practice have you done? What's your current age? Have you been diagnosed with any learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD, etc?). In the meantime three solutions I offer to you: 1) is visualize yourself being a good driver and being happy driving, five minutes a day, every day... make the colors bold and bright! think of all the things being a safe, licensed driver will mean to you. Really try to hold the belief that this is something you're capable of being really good at! Think of other things your successful at and try to reproduce those feelings 2) practice whenever you can! Maryland required a minimum of 60 hours of behind-the-wheel time before going for a license (But that is a minimum and a 100 hours won't hurt at all! 3)When you're not driving but are riding in a car, try to sit up front and mentally put yourself in the driving scene as the driver... you can do this to yourself, or you can involve the driver in your mind games by asking questions about right-of-way and calling out your risk assessment of the driving scene. Hope this helps! If you have any specific problems (staying in between the lines, right of way, etc.) let me know, I can offer some advice there too. Also, interview some driving schools to see if anyone can provide you some extra lessons. Not all driving schools are created equal-do your homework so you don't find yourself in one that's disreputable or just a "diploma" mill. -- Michelle
A2 My 27 year-old daughter is INFp and her driving scares me because of her susceptibility to various distractions. She inevitability carries distractions with her when there are none in the car. She would need Ritalin to become a mediocre driver; instead, she loads up on caffeine which doesn't seem to do the job. And when she is in a place with no distractions whatsoever, she will dive into her own mind instead of paying attention to her boring environment. I would suggest finding an ESTp driver or take public transportation rather than fight your nature - for everyone's safety. -- Anonymous
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A3 A1: I do have anxiety over driving because of what I said, I'm 23, I've done around 100 hours, and my test is coming up. My driving instructor says I'm coming on well, but I'm still lacking confidence, because I worry of new, unpredictable roads, etc. coming up and not being able to deal with them. I may have ADD, but it hasn't been diagnosed, if I'm anxious or have something on my mind, that makes things a lot worse, though. I'll try your advice, thanks, I think I'm fine with the rules of the road, but putting them into practice sometimes causes problems. That should get better, though. A2: Public transport probably would be good for me, but driving would be a lot more useful, I think. I think my driving instructor is an ESTj, he keeps shouting at me, it's not particularly helping me, lol. -- Simon the INFp
A4 I can relate to much of what you are telling- My mind drifts off now and then, and in the mean time the world has kept turning, of course. Once in a while, these... hmmm... shutoffs coincide with moments that require attention, and in hindsight I wonder how I possibly could let that slip through. Lack of attention, lack of focus, lack of concentration. While I tend to take driving less seriously sometimes, it seems to me that you take it too seriously. Too far ahead in your driving, accumulating worries along future timelines. Your focus in the present will suffer. If things get tangled up on unexpected roads, you can always (and should) slow down and pull over to the shoulder. And collect yourself. None of us know what we might run into. And it aint much we can do about it, apart from making unproductive worries. But, I can very well see your problem, pretty concentrated, anxious to make mistakes, do a slip of some kind, and get rewarded by shouting. Thats powerful stuff. Doesnt exactly promote enhanced focus. I've been there. My mom was there up to a point where she changed instructor and sucseeded. Shouting has poor pedagogic (sp?) value, I can tell. It can ruin a long line of fruitul efforts. And shouting reweals one more thing, uncertainty. -- ENTp
A5 Get a new driving instructor. -- ESTJ Female
A6 Thanks for your advice. Things are getting better, I just need more practice. I think it's too late to change teachers, though, but I'm only going to see him a few more times, anyway. -- Simon the INFp
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