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Question #1287871848Saturday, 23-Oct-2010
Category: Stereotype Theory
tell me what female personality type is the most "easygoing"? ie less judgemental, more fun/spontaneous etc ? -- Anonymous
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A1 Let's first issue the all-important disclaimer: there are a million other factors besides type which affect a person's behavior, and in this case limiting your examination to females raises a host of other concerns such as gender roles and expectations. That said (if I could condense that disclaimer into a word and preface every post with it, I would), I'd put in a vote for ENFp. EXXp gives you a more outgoing personality, and ENXp's in particular have a random streak and zany world-view which hardly lends itself to condemning others' behavior. But the words "easygoing", "spontaneous", and "fun" should hardly be confined to one type. -- Random INTj
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A2 enfp -- Anonymous
A3 INFp and ENFp females. while they can be quite feminine (the NF, perhaps) they are also attracted to and the most adaptable to the mannerisms of a laid-back stoner dude. Although they are both feeling types, their dominant function is intuition, so they are not the overly sentimental, wishy-washy feeling types, and are curious and interested in everything. Also among the least judgmental, because of the p, as well as the fact that they are themselves quite off-the-wall - they don't like to be judged for their "weirdness" and nonconformity, and so will definitely not judge others. in my experience these girls have a hard time fitting in with other groups of girls (one-on-one is fine) who also tend to be NFs, because they are too rigid and boring for the restless xNFps. they can also have a hard time with T girls, because they are after all sensitive and in tune with their feelings. i don't know if this comes as a surprise or not, but a girl who hangs out with mostly guys and fits in great with them, but still retains her femininity, tends to be INFp or ENFp. -- Anonymous
A4 Isfp -- Anonymous
A5 actually sorry this is true i couldnt really word the question in a less "stereotyped" way without taking forever to explain myself lol -- Anonymous
A6 I'm definitely very easygoing and open-minded (i.e. not judgmental). Pretty much people can do what they want, as long as they don't harm others, and just leave me to my own business. Don't know about being very fun/spontaneous though. I like to be spontaneous, but within my comfort zone. -- ISFP
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