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Question #1285288885Friday, 24-Sep-2010
Category: Celebrities Typing
Robert De Niro is an American actor, director, and producer. His film roles includes master thief Neil McCauley in the film Heat. What type is he? Robert De Niro and Al Pacino Restaurant Scene - Heat

-- jgbr
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Fairly sure that DeNiro is ISTP and Pacino is ESFP. -- Doug
A2 Hi Doug. You are close now. Only one letter is missing from your result. Al Pacino is an ESFP indeed. -- jgbr
A3 I fail to see why you would ask a question about which you already know the answer. -- Anonymous
A4 A3. The purpose of this question is to teach and share knowledge. The above video is a classic lecture book example for typology enthusiasts. You can observe the difference between thinking and feeling preferences. -- jgbr
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A5 actually jgbr all YOU are doing is harming the socionics community. your typings are almost always extremely horrid, and if someone new comes on here they might actually believe you. i said this on another thread i dont know how long ago it was, but you should really just go back to MBTI. you aren't wanted here unless you change your act and accept you're wrong, not only on your typings but also on your views on 1) MBTI vs. socionics = the same because they originated from Jung and 2) on yourself and how you think you cannot be wrong. trust me you can, and are. so until you have fulfilled 1 and 2 and open your mind more, go away. -- Anonymous
A6 Deniro and pacino are both ESTj's regardless if i am told otherwise. I for one will not listen to anyone telling me I am incorrect for one. -- gigi
A7 A6. What's up Gigi? Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are not the same type. Both of them are far away from being an ESTJ. Sorry. -- jgbr
A8 Actually it's not impossible that they are ESTj's. They have similar expressions as estj's and live their lives in a similar estj rhythm. And for the record jgbr, you tend to incorrectly evaluate people's mannerisms, expressions and lifestyles when typing them using videos. I think it's a mistake that you consider yourself an expert. -- Anonymous
A9 ESTj Te subtype -- Anonymous
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