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Question #1271253690Wednesday, 14-Apr-2010
Category: Politics Statistics
what's your type and what's your political affliation? -- Anonymous
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A1 Registered independent, fiscally rightish, socially leftish. Concerned about working class-averse, vertical socio-economic forces without wanting to stifle self-determination by diverting them too far horizontally. Sick of politics tainted by adversarial sports psychology (i.e. atavistic ape behavior), elites-only deal-making, and lack of term limits and public campaign financing. I approve of mandatory civil or military service, especially the latter for all children of the legislature and executive branch. Wars of adventure should be avoided, though overwhelming force should be brought to bear when necessary. I value the constitution (U.S.) despite knowing it to be a legal fiction (created what by whom? really now...) and uphold the people's right to revolt against unjust gubmint. Unfortunately the people are largely delusional sheep fed on national myths and are easily distracted by entertainment and shiny baubles; it's no wonder they elect grasping morons when they can be arsed to actually visit the polls. Can you say "problems with democracy?" - INTx -- Anonymous
A2 Registered independent, fiscally rightish, socially leftish. Concerned about working class, against vertical socio-economic forces, without wanting to stifle self-determination. Sick of politics tainted by adversarial sports psychology (i.e. atavistic ape behavior), elites-only deal-making, and dislike term limits (an arbitrary restriction) and corporate campaign financing. I dis-approve of mandatory civil or military service. Wars of adventure should be avoided, though overwhelming force should be brought to bear when necessary. I value the constitution (U.S.) despite knowing it to be a legal fiction (created what by whom? really now...) and uphold the people's right to revolt against unjust gubmint. Unfortunately the people are largely delusional sheep fed on national myths and are easily distracted by entertainment and shiny baubles; it's no wonder they elect grasping morons when they can be arsed to actually visit the polls. Can you say "problems with democracy?" - ISTp - (with appologies to INTx) -- ISTPJIM
A3 I am a ENFP and a Socialist. UK Labour party member. -- Victoria
A4 ENFP totally Socialist. -- Victoria Clarke
A5 INTx Fiscally and Socially leftist -- Anonymous
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