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Question #1270223657Friday, 2-Apr-2010
Category: INTj
for INTJs alike, though perhaps anyone in general, do you have problems with feelings of being instictually inferior? -- Anonymous
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A1 I was a cocky little bugger until early adolescence when problems at home and social isolation at school took their toll. Given better parental and peer relations my self-image would have remained far more positive. So, instinctual inferiority? No. That's a learned and correctable behavior. -- LII/ILI
A2 we INTJ's are fundamentally self assured and over-confident in our abilities. if anything we're supposed to feel superior to everyone else. I'm not a psychologist, but i'd say something from your past or present is making you doubt yourself. -- Anonymous
A3 Please don't set me up with a stranger... -- Anonymous
A4 A2 has a point that INTj's are confident in their abilities, but just as importantly, INTj's are aware of what they aren't good at. And if these things include socializing, gaining peer approval, and fighting on through the pangs of adolescence (not typically in our wheelhouse), then they could certainly develop an inferiority complex. But that's all relative, and it comes down to how at ease you are with not fitting the mold of a "normal" individual. Being indifferent to those things is just as typical an INTj quality as their inherent weirdness, though. -- Random INTj
A5 What has been said so far is reasonably valid. I would also like to point out that the super ego can be very sensitive. These two functions are diametrically opposed to your ego functions. For the INTj the ego functions are , and the super ego functions are . Acting through your super ego functions means by definition that your ego functions are temporarily disabled. If you are constantly forced to use these functions, or subjected to others using theirs, you will become very frustrated and disappointed in your own lack of ability. From what I have noticed, it seems that spending a good amount of your time with your supervisor, in your case ESTp, can wreak havoc on your self-image. This is because your creative function cannot compete with their more powerful base function, . No matter what you do, they will see you as lesser: a capable individual, but backwards in how you do things. In my opinion, personality is genetic: nature. Attitudes and beliefs are learned: nurture. It is the combination of nature and nurture that make you who you are. However, everyone, despite their past, is capable of being a bright, enthusiastic, positive person. I urge you to educate yourself and adopt a healthy view of time: -- Anonymous
A6 If an INTj doesn't succeed in developing his/her abilities properly, he/she might become more bitter and start to feel inferior to others, I believe. -- INTj
A7 Instinctually inferior? Do you mean unable to react in certain situations as a normal person instinctually would, because of too much situation analysis? or do you mean low self-esteem? Yes, to both. -- Anonymous
A8 INTJs are always our own worst critics. But we definitely think we're better than all the other types. -- Anonymous
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