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Question #1268067537Monday, 8-Mar-2010
Category: Typing
here is a simple way of figuring out your type (instead of endless looking at yourself in the mirror trying to V.I. yourself). I've taken the socionics type test before but what I did differently this time, to enhance my accuracy, is include my personal notebook (along with closely following the directions on the test). Since the notebook contains writtings reflective of my personality, it provides a very clear assessment of what prevades my writing free from all circumstantial influence. My result of the test is INTJ and when flipping through the pages of my notebook, there is a clear affinity for intellectual topics of a scientific nature that corresponds perfectly with the test results - there is topics beyond science but they remain treated with the same rigor and structure, however, there are certain topics that can be treated the same but just end up sounding stupid when I look at them in a different state of mind. So I'll make the suggestion that writing can be an effective method of type identification, and despite lacking originality, I consider this method directly beneficial to introverted types on the basis they are more likely to keep a journal, notebook, or art book containing their thoughts and feelings, along with the fact that writing is usually a solitary activity, however, I do relent, the method is beneficial to anyone who expresses themselves best through writing. If you express yourself best through dancing then perhaps consider the themes of your dancing as an indication of your personality. So the suggestion is for anyone still unsure of their type to consider writing as a method of type identificaiton (if that is your best form of self-expression) and I guess the question is did that help? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 This makes a lot of sense. Reading people's blogs have helped me type them better because i can see what their interests are and what they value. -- infp
A2 Sounds good and logical, but I'm not sure it would work in all cases. If you read my diary, you'd probably be sure that I'm an ISFj - it's all just Fi. But I'm an ESFp, just don't include my Se much in my diary. I use Se in everyday life but have problems using my Fi, so I pour it out in the diary. It could be the problem with Eps in general, this could be the case of more of them, that they use their blog or diary to apply their Fi or Ti creative function, and then might be perceived as ITjs or IFjs. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A3 Great point A2, I suppose it's a good way to strengthen our auxillary function - finding other ways to work it, if for instance we don't always get the chance in our normal day to day living (what we study, jobs and such). -- Anonymous
A4 @A2, could you please give an example of what an Fi-preoccupation in a journal might look like (not necessarily your own/specific example)? -- Anonymous
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