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Question #1268067488Monday, 8-Mar-2010
Category: Theory
Can personality types change over time as a learned or adapted behavior. For example an "I" becomes more of an "E" by nature of 15 years of working in an environment that requires an "E" personality. -- Anonymous
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A1 Oh most definitely. Though very gradual, these shifts do occur. I have found that the most common changes are in the T/F preference, but the E/I preference is no exception. Changes in the S/N and J/P are less common, but still possible. These shifts, as you noted, generally occur as an adaption to one's enviornment. -- Wes, ENFp
A2 I'm kind of on the fence about this one. My instinct would be to say that no, they cannot be changed because type is something that is inborn. However, when explaining type theory to my mother she asked me this same question, to which I replied no, but she reminded me "Well honey, I always thought you were an extrovert when you were younger." Maybe my mind/perception was changed and it is possible. -- Anonymous
A3 these people are wrong ^ your personality never changes, though your skill with other functions does increase through your life. personality is your natural tendency; the functions you're most comfortable with will never change. you develop your dominant function before adolescence, and your auxiliary starts developing in early teens. personality doesn't change, but BEHAVIOR certainly does. be sure you know the difference between personality and behavior. -- james
A4 more than one counselor has told me this, i'm not making it up =] -- james
A5 Personality does change. I know people who used to be outgoing and sociable who become more introverted and reclusive. Personality I equate with behaviour and an accumulating of on going life experience. Personality type, as in socionics is better referred to as psychological type, and that is how we process information, which is far more stable. -- Me
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