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Question #1259562551Monday, 30-Nov-2009
Category: INTp Advice
What are your suggestions to get an INTp to focus on a task? My friend has her midterm exams coming up, and she seriously needs to study, but can't seem to be able to stay on task as of late. She'll procrastinate at any given opportunity, and I obviously can't look out for her the entire time. Help? -- Anonymous
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A1 Well to my knowledge, INTps are quite reliable and hard-working, so this doesn't sound like an INTp. In fact, INTps are the exact one type with which I would think is the least probability they will do something like this. The only situation I can imagine an INTp doing this is if she considers the exams and the subject she studies useless, or if she is resentful because of you telling her the obvious. So if she is an INTp, just explain to her of how big practical importance these exams are and then give her a lot of time and space to study by herself. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A2 Let me guess... you are enfj.... i am intp, and last week took a final. in my mind I knew I'd do fine, but I had other processes I needed to study out till they worked themselves out. I have been studying electronic drums lately, and I became fascinated as of late the difference between types of drums. I wanted to build my own, and it so happened that the night before my big exam, I also decided to learn how to build my drumset. My wife (enfj) was concerned I'd get a bad grade on my exam. She popped her head into my office about 13 times and asked "don't you think you should study?" I already knew she would ask that each time. Your friend already knows you want to "take care" of her/him. What they aren't telling you is: they are pretty confident already that they have their $#!+ in order. And, he/she is probably also trying to figure out additional life puzzles and specific issues facing mankind and all the "sheeple" of the world that all just "do what they're told" and she's/he's frankly getting a little more stressed every time you hound him about studying. The more you try to make it happen, the further your friend will probably delve into the complex issues that she is working on fixing in her mind. INTP's life consists of bringing issues to the forefront of our minds, and developing solutions and answers to them. then, we move to the next thing. We do not do 2 at once. Possibly, what is keeping her from studying is the issue YOU are making in her life - and she just might be thinking, "how can I let _____ know that I am fine, and I will pass my exams...." Till she figures out the answer to that question, she probably will get NO studying done. By the way, I passed my exam with a higher grade than I even expected. Your friend will be fine. She wants you to worry more about YOUR OWN grades, and she will be able to breathe much easier.. -- INTP
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A3 NTs need intellectual intensity. What others call "cramming" is the only way we learn. If the pace is too slow, our conceptual gears are running slack. We'll know we're wasting our time mentally idling on something stupid we can pick up later when we really need to. Your friend knows best how to study for HER own needs, not the recommendations for everyone else's. She knows the optimum conditions for her mental performance and anything less will disrupt the process. Trust her judgment on this one. -- Anonymous
A4 Leave her the !#$ alone. It is probably the thing she wants most. you'll never understand each other completely; that's something that she has already figured out long ago, and has been hoping you'll magically become perceptive enough to realize it too.. But ya just don't want to admit defeat, you gotta "help" her get good grades so you feel good about yourself... weird. let it go. -- Anonymous
A5 ok, after reading other people's comments, I have to add this: She could have some emotional problem (like me) which goes back to her Shadow (unconscious) functions. We have four conscious functions, and four unconscious functions. Under stress, very wired things or atypical traits/functional preferences may come up to the surface. The fact that someone is INTP or whatever does NOT mean they always show a "typical" INTP behaviour. Some times they show the EXACT opposite if they got some lingering emotional issues somewhere else. -- Party Hater
A6 Believe it or not, I am seeing a shrink for that!!!! man, I procrastinate on ANYTHING except for procrastination!! (I guess my problem goes with authority. When I am forced to do something, I just don't do it. I guess (unconsciously) I resist force and authority.) -- Party Hater
A7 Yeah, maybe some sort of self help book would help. It's more a change in attitude and behaviour - replacing old habits with new ones, rather than a matter of type, imo. However, if the INTp doesn't want to change, applying some to force him, some to (compassionately) reason with him, or the practical benefits of the attempt to change could help. -- Cyclops
A8 let her do what she wants, regardless ! -- t
A9 I have found that INTp procrastination is an attempt to avoid stress; their confrontational (sarcastic) stance is also an avoidance strategy. Help reduce the stress (especially don't remind her – don't rub the stress in her face) because they can be obsessively productive in benign environments. It's hard to minimize the stress of exams, however, so you'll likely have to wait until INTp crunch time when they go into hyper-drive to spitefully prove everybody was wrong about their procrastination:-) -- I/O
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