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Question #1259309680Friday, 27-Nov-2009
Category: Type me!!!
I seem to convey the impression of a J type or perhaps ISxj to others. I appear self assured, and dependable. It seems to show in my physical appearance too, maybe I look a little bit like an ISxj. I may in fact be that in a sense, but people expect me to do more than I am willing, they always have high expectations, so I find myself having to demonstrate my lack of confidence and motivation, to prove to others that it exists and in great quantities, I am indeed a slacker and I indeed have very low self confidence. People also describe me as standoffish and looking like I want to keep to myself, when really, I am just shy. The only thing that betrays this possibly superficial ISxj complex to others, is that I am told I have unusual perspectives, and that I am very brooding. I always score INTp(very ambiguous in T, and P, and pretty ambiguous S and N, strong I) on the short tests and, take my word for it, this does not fit. I also do not think I'm an INFp, as I'm not delicate or effeminate(I'm a male), and I don't think I'm Fe. ISFj and ISTj don't seem right, but I'm not sure I fully understand what they are, if they are as simple to categorize as they seem, then no, perhaps I am not. -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 It's always tough to categorize yourself, and as you'll see, your type is your tendencies, and does not dictate/predict all your behavior. -- Anonymous
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A2 I hope you get more beneficial answers than this one might be, but to me it seems like you are trying to type yourself via the wrong channels. It MAY work for some extremely sharp and skilled psychoanalysts doing that, type yourself via others, that is, but for most of us, we need to go inward, unguarded by any means in the process, noticing the largest gross trend of comfort and preference in various situations of acting and living, in past, present and future, disregarding any expectations and other kinds of pressure from the external environment when establishing the trends. Even then, things are complicated, like the drifting XNTX I seem to be in moments of doubt. -- ENTp for now
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