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Question #1258998082Monday, 23-Nov-2009
Category: ENTp
Why are ENTps chronic nosepickers? -- Anonymous
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A1 This process helps them formulate complex ideas more quickly. -- Anonymous
A2 I wasn't aware of this. -- Anonymous
A3 Well I'm ENTP and I dont "pick my nose", but I just cant stand having something on my face that I didnt specifically want there. I will constantly wipe my face or mouth or nose. I think its because ENTPs are naturally fidgety, and when you have something actually on your face, intruding on your territory, it seems necessary to control it or move/remove it in some way. I often do the same thing with my sweaters that have lint on them. -- ENTP woman
A4 I'll second everything you mentioned here. I do not pick the nose as such implied in the initial question, but do make certain efforts otherwise to make the "airways" as unobstructed and clean as possible. For comfort in performance and appearance, and overall function. And lint, yes, I even remove it from my cycling jerseys, even if most wont ever be able to see it. Just have to go. -- ENTp
A5 Because we accumulate all that dried mucus from our intrinsically snotty personality. Just kidding, I don't think it really has anything to do with noses in particular, just getting rid of inconveniences, like A3 mentioned. I mean, if ENTps have difficulty breathing through their nose, then they'd take matters into their own hands and remove whatever's blocking the air tract. Things like not being able to breathe properly may seriously bother an ENTp if not immediately dealt with, so "nose picking" and the like may end up as a common activity for them. -- Sleep-deprived ENTp
A6 WOW did not notice this, but I do the crime. Naturally figity, care about what others think, but don't care enough to be socially normal, I guess. The real question is how do other people NOT pick their noses? -- ENTPee
A7 If you haven't noticed yet the finger is the perfect size for the nose, it is logical to put it there. -- ENTP
A8 Wow! Now that you mention it... I know I do it. lol! I agree that it has to do with clearing the (air-)way. And yes, he question is how do the other types go through life with stuffed noses? -- ENTpick-your-nose
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