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Question #1256039739Tuesday, 20-Oct-2009
Category: Personality
What do you feel is the most unfortunate thing about being your type? -- Anonymous
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A1 I unfortunatley realise what everyone thinks about me, through my intuition, lol. -- Simon the INFp
A2 Forgetfulness. It ruins the best of plans. I don't think it's that bad of a flaw though. -- ENTPee
A3 I have really bad social skills. -- istp
A4 Ive been studying this stuff for years and i still dont get it. -- enfp
A5 Lack of ability to decide. The fact that I never know how much concerned about the consequences of my behaviour I should be. Constant need to be organized and constant failing at it. And people who think "just ESFs" have less value than Ns.... don't know which of these would end up on the top of the list. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A6 i have good social skills, but i fear talking about intimate feelings with a woman. -- istp
A7 I have no focus, Im the most scatterbrained person I know. -- ENFp
A8 People think I don't like them when really I'm just awkward. -- ISFj Courtney
A9 Never feeing good enough. -- Suzzy IN??
A10 I'm naive and trusts easily. I see good in others but forget evil. I'm ENFj/ENFJ -- Anonymous
A11 Overthinking things but never being able to feel like I have found an adequate answer, because I have such a feeble grasp of logic. Very disorganized and scatterbrained. Also, I have no idea when I've pushed myself to the limit physically, until I am sprawled on the ground, dizzy and gasping for breath because I've gone too far. Sometimes I feel antsy because it seems like what I'm doing has no significance. And I can be very unsure of myself at times. -- ENFp
A12 Whatever I am, if type related, my inability to actually figure out my type is a downer. Being highly uncertain of myself. -- Anonymous
A13 I seem to never stop learning new things and always want to know more: my quest for truth in all field in insatiable. Also need assistance in carrying out the more tedious and detailed aspect of my ambitions. -- sofie enfp
A14 I'm INFp. I resent my inability to overcome the difficult obstacles that get in the way of my dreams. The obstacles come in forms of a disadvantaged situation, odd circumstances and interfering people. I usually need some help from a good friend for moral support to keep me going. -- Anonymous
A15 Too sensitive, both my weakness and my strength -- ISFp
A16 my anxiety and lack of trust in everyone and everything. inability to foresee the future and the most unfortunate thing im incredibly sensitive and take a lot of things personally. -- isfj
A17 I have two, work on accomplishing several tasks thru to completion everyday and learning from my failures. I work on these two everyday and it helps me tremendously. -- Whole Brain ESTp
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