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Question #1255284346Sunday, 11-Oct-2009
Category: Type me!!!
Just for fun, try to type me . Well I'm 16 and I'm still in high school. I'm a very good student right now because I like the subjects I receive. I don't learn quite quickly but I make a lot of effort and master the knowledge. People always come to ask me for help in studies. I love to help people because I like to share. Sharing and being helpful makes me feel proud of myself hehe. I'm not very open and people know me slowly, one good reason is that I don't have exciting experiences in my life xd. I don't consider myself an extrovert but when people have personal problems in life I come to them to see how can I help, altough sometimes I'm A LITTLE intrusive. I have more female friends, but I'm getting close to a lot of men now. When I go out (recently more often) at first I keep quiet, and later when people give me more trust, I can be quite witty XD, my stange comments about things makes them laugh, but when things are serious, let's keep it serious. I'm very compassionate, even when people I don't like a lot. I try to be in a good mood always, and when I feel sad I like to be alone and figure it out on my own. I'm pretty obssesive sometimes with work, when it's not perfect or think it needs correction. That's why people consider me dependable, altough sometimes I don't like it hehe. I like people to bring out the best they have, I like to be an inspiration to them, honestly it feeds my ego. But I'm very self consious and I don't like when I'm centered on myself. I try hard to help others because i think that's correct. I'm not image conscious that much but I love that people have a good opinion of me. truly. I'm almost always independent and I don't like to depend on others, that's weak to me. So what you say!!!! -- José D.
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Is it like a riddle just for us or are you trying to find out about your type, too? -- Ezis (ESFp)
A2 You are crazy. -- :-)
A3 I want to know my type. I want to see how socionics people see me. I know internet is not the best media, but I would like to know. And also have fun in the process of doing it. -- José D.
A4 infj maybe? -- Anonymous
A5 I might just be going by stereotypes, but you could be an Alpha SF of some sort: ISFp or ESFj. Your "wanting to be helpful" could be your Role Te (Extraverted Thinking), and one of your two main functions could be Extraverted Feeling (Fe). For example, you "try to be in a good mood always" and "strange comments about things makes them laugh, but when it's serious, let's keep it serious". Would you say you have good control of the emotional "atmosphere" in social situations? -- Anonymous
A6 ENTJ ? -- Anonymous
A7 A5: Possibly yes I have good control of emotional atmosphere. Cause I always try to make people have a good time. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. -- José D.
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A8 Oh really? That's interesting because I usually test as an ENFJ or INFJ. I'm sure it's Extraverted Feeling beacuse I hate conflicts, criticism (when it's for evil reasons) and humilliation. I like a good atmosphere and not tensionate. That's why I don't usually like some of very intellectual people, cause sometimes they always want to put you in shame. But not all of them, some are really cool. -- José D.
A9 i guessed as i went along and by the bottom (before scrolling into comments) i guessed enfj. could write evidence but then this would become WORK! -- t
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