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Question #1254158047Monday, 28-Sep-2009
Category: Type me!!!
I have been studying personality types for about a year now. for the first three months i studied myers-briggs, but as soon as i found out about socionics i tried my best to throw all my knowledge of mbti out of the window, to not get the two confused. For the longest time i was convinced i was a esfp- but after much studying and analyzing myself, and listening to my brothers (intj) opinion i started to really question whether i was an extrovert or not. I feel pretty awkward in social situations where i am not familiar with people and i get a lot of anxiety when I am not sure of a stranger's or aquaintence's true intentions. I also have a lot of judging tendencies- i get very frusterated when someone doesn't show up when they say they are, if i make a date to be somewhere at a certain time i do my best to make it there even if i REALLY dont want to go! so I did some investigations to read up on other types to see if i could relate to any better, (wikisocion). I know I am not a ISFP because my boyfriend and best friend are both isfps and i can see some major differences in myself and them. I read up on my mirror- isfj on wikisocion and felt that it almost matched me to a t except for a few major things- i'm not all that dutiful, however i do get very bothered when going to sleep for school the night before, and my room is thrashed- i cant stand it...i will at least pick up the few things that are bothering me the most until i get time to do a good job probably within the next day or so depending. another thing is i do very much base my opinion of others based on how they act, what they say..hmmm...i dont know if im doing a very goo job at explaining all of this, but can anyone help out please to type me?! it would be much appreciated.. -- ariel pink
Your Answers: 1+
A1 You are 100% ISFp And you are keep telling that not... boooo! -- :-)
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A2 You might be an ISFj, but the lack of "dutifulness" may throw it. ISFjs usually have a lot of drive and discipline, we like taking on a lot of responsibilities. ISFjs may even spread themselves too thin because they sign up for too many things. I was in 9 different organizations in high school, my ISFp brother was in 1, and only because our mom made him join. -- ISFj Courtney
A3 a2- yes I agree, but my best friends sister is a isfj and she's about as dutiful as i fact, i think i do a better job than her at cleaning her house! -- Anonymous
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