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Question #1254043441Sunday, 27-Sep-2009
Category: Typing Celebrities
What type is Gwyneth Paltrow? -- scarletdragon
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Hi. It's hard sometimes to guess celeb type when she's like a chamelleon. I would bet for ISFp. -- :-)
A2 Now I bet for INFj. Sorry for the confusion. I can't believe I did a mistake She's really hard to guess. -- :-)
A3 IEI, long time best friends with Madonna SLE -- An INFj
A4 I'd guess INFj. -- ISFj Courtney
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A5 An INFj, I agree with you, I forgot about INFp. I was thinking ISFp (looked line ), but there was no sensory, so I thought INFj, but you are right, there is introvert, there is a and there is a . I guess I have to retrain myself. -- :-)
A6 A5, so are you saying INFp for her? -- Anonymous
A7 I think isfp is a good bet. Maybe infp too. -- Anonymous
A8 INFp imo -- -j
A9 Gwyneth Paltrow - INFJ, "The insightful humanist", Sensitive individual, Quiet, Peace-loving, Traditional, polite, reserve. -- jgbr
A10 INFp -- Anonymous
A11 A10. Think it through again. -- jgbr
A12 Even tho she's friends with Madonna (estp), I still think she is INFj. -- Anonymous
A13 A12: They would have a conflicting relationship then - which seems highly unlikely given that they're long-time friends as A3 states. I think she's IEI. -- SLI
A14 A9 so i should think it through again? how about you? it seems INFp is winning anyways, and if she were INFj she would be conflicting with Madonna, rather than, more realistically, duals. -- Anonymous
A15 Sorry, but I think you're all wrong . Miss Paltrow in an ENFj. She and Madonna are relations of Activity. -- Anonymous
A16 Agree with A15. V.I. is pure ENFj. -- INFp guy
A17 You are able to observe her reflecting during the interview. She is introvert.

-- jgbr
A18 I think she is an INFj. In refrence to Madonna being a ESTp, conflictors can be friends, it just means the two have to work hard at their friendship. -- Anonymous
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