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Question #1252945018Monday, 14-Sep-2009
Category: Type me!!!
INFj? ISFj? Who am I? here are some conclusions I've reached from doing research into socionics: I V.I. in between an INFj and ISFj. I have really high Fi! I'm either in the Gamma or Delta quadrant. - I relate heavily to the judicious description. I find myself drawn to Te types (probably 'cause I have sup-ah high Fi!) Based on subtypes, when I think of when I've been the happiest/most fulfilled in my life, I was an ENFp-Fi. I have either an EP or IJ temperament. I don't look at all like an ENFp. (is this starting to sound like one of those "complex" word problems from Algebra, or is it just me?)=) Soooo, who (or should I say What) am I? -- confused about type
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Based on what you've said I would say you were ENFp, not that there's a lot to go on -- Anonymous
A2 There is a big difference beteen ISFj and INFj. First of all, INFj hardly ever blows on others, doesnt have internal tension, is not bossy, is not posessing partner, is not a pushover. If you want to make more resarch, try to find if you have more in common with ISTj or INTj. To do so, find some real ISTj and see for yourself how much do you share. I think if you were INFj you would guess it already. -- Andrew - ENTp
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A3 You sound like an ENFp to me. Maybe an INFj. -- Anonymous
A4 You sound a lot like my ISFJ mother. She swears that she is (or was) more extroverted before, and would probably type and may type herself as ENFP in the past. However, she is very much an ISFJ now. I just see so many differences between those types though. Its well known you have strong feeling, its the second function that you need. I'd put bets on ISFJ though. My INFJ sister knew instantly; my ISFJ mother was stubborn and questioning, and didn't think it was fair. I think their reactions represent the most likely reaction of their types. I just struggle to believe an INFJ (or ENTP) would not know their type. -- Anonymous
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