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Question #1248869278Wednesday, 29-Jul-2009
Category: ENTp
What sort of music do ENTp's listen to? Not only genre, but also whether or not the music is mainstream(ish) or on the edge of the genre. I will start: I am an ENTp and I love jazz; the more theoretical and edgy the better. Otherwise, I like any type of music that intelligently stretches the boundaries of its own genre. But I do also like lyrical music. And, by the way, I think one can dance to any sort of music - even the most way out of free-jazz. -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I like everything: Top 40 danceable music (including rap), virtually unknown folk, instrumental and lyrical jazz/blues, show tunes, country, Indian classics, French cabaret... I'd say I lean towards bluesy indie or folk music right now. -- entpreter
A2 I know one ENTp who's really into psytrance and dance music (even composes his own tracks despite not having any formal musical training), and heavy industrial rock. Another ENTp I know is also into industrial rock. A third ENTp I know seems to like various kinds of music, old and new (including '80's classics and older classics). Yet another ENtp I know likes alternative pop/rock (Placebo, Bjork). -- S
A3 Music and Type... not related -- Anonymous
A4 Are you braindead? They listen to techno! -- esfp
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A5 ENTP find patterns and similarities in many things that most people would view as contradictory. I'd say in general ENTP music taste would be eclectic. Based on my experience most of their favorite artists would be people/groups that are hard to categorize by traditional methods. -- Anonymous
A6 I listen to everything, but my iTunes top 25 songs are almost all upbeat music. Upbeat 80's, upbeat rock, upbeat rap, upbeat electronic, upbeat pop, upbeat funk, upbeat R&B. Upbeat ****! -- Eh-N-Tee-Pee
A7 I like goa/psytrance, drum & bass and chillout. If it has layers and patterns (and no lyrics - they're distracting), I'm into it. I think it's obvious this isn't mainstream(ish) music. -- mrm (ENTP)
A8 I listen to just about everything. One day I want rock, the next day I want dance. I agree though, techno is one of my ultimate favs. -- entp
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