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Question #1241081674Thursday, 30-Apr-2009
Category: ESFp ESFj Typing
Is my friend an ESFP or ESFJ? He seems to be a bit of both. He loves danger & drinking. He's alsways watching anime & action movies etc, and in relationships he is very forward and posessive at first but then he leaves when he gets bored. So, all this makes me think he is an ESFP, but then I notice that he is dutiful to his friends and always has something planned for the next day. He is ambitious and career-orientated. So which type is he? -- Kate
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A1 All this could apply to both types, I know both ESFps and ESFjs that are like this. He could also be an ISFj. I'd recommend looking at his eyes: do they seem to be lively, present in the situation and scanning the surrounding constantly, even sometimes communicating instead of the words (ESFp), or are they more or less steady (ESFj)? Second, ESFjs tend to be very explicit about their relationships and talk about them a lot, often even ESFj men, while with ESFps you must usually read between the lines to learn something about their relationships, unless you are their closest friend, their F being introverted. If an ESF likes their colleagues, an ESFj says "I love my colleagues" while an ESFp "My colleagues are great". ESFjs are talkative and capable of, as I call it, systematic conversation, while ESFps are impredictable, they make random notes, or keep quiet and then suddenly become animated and make a long enthusiastic speech. With ESFjs, you can always be sure they are extroverts, but ESFps often make impression of something between E and I. Could you maybe post some more information about this guy? So far, it seems he might have S as his creative function, which would make him an ESFj or ISFj. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A2 Quote: ["If an ESF likes their colleagues, an ESFj says "I love my colleagues" while an ESFp "My colleagues are great"."] That should be the other way around, shouldn't it? Fi is all about relationships, so an opinion about co-workers would be stated in terms of relationships "I love my co-workers." Fe is all about the external expression and appearance of emotion, so an opinion about co-workers would be stated as a description of how that co-worker appears, emotionally "My colleagues are great." See a list of common vocabulary here: -- Krig (INTj)
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A3 I think from what you've said it sounds like he is more P than J. I've noticed he doesn't always look people directly in the eye when he speaks, but he is very aware of his surroundings. He is actually quite secretive with his relationships, as I think he has quite a lot of them and is often moving from one girl to the next, occasionally going back to his exes. But he is not openly promiscuous and is very sensitive to the girls he dates. I'm not sure about him being an introvert. He seems to have highly developed people skills and is always jumping in trying to help people. He also likes to teach others his own skills as he seems very proud of what he has accomplished. But he is very egocentric and always asking for attention, mostly by trying to get the sympathy vote. -- Kate
A4 After reading A3 I conclude he is definitely ESFp. All ESFps I know are like that. -- Anonymous
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