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Question #1241081578Thursday, 30-Apr-2009
Category: Type me!!!
I'm very confused about my type. I think there are several possible types I could be. If I tell you a bit about myself would you be able to tell me my type? I'm very quiet and I guess I can be moody and pessimistic a lot of the time, however when something excites me I can be childlike and enthusiastic. I like to analyze people and have a deep interest in astrology and the unknown. People would say I was intelligent, but I have no common sense! I'm lazy and punctuality is a big problem for me...I suppose I'm rather greedy and put myself first but I am always polite and I don't like to hurt others' feelings. Ummm...I'm also very very emotional and become attached those I love. I even become obsessive! Still I find it hard to talk about my feelings, especially with people I don't know very well which makes me seem cold and detached although I don't want to be. I get told I don't look people in the eye or smile much. I do laugh a lot though!...I have a love of all things childlike (e.g. Disney) and I get extremely nostaligic. I think that's basically who I am so what type do you think I could be? Thank you x -- Kate
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Your Answers: 1+
A1 INFP... is your room always trashed? Do you find that you can't be bothered when it comes to noticing roadsigns, bus numbers etc.? I guess that having no common sense would be rather INFP like. Also, confusion with your type is supposedly an INFP thing, they can put themselves in other peoples heads, and often find themselves subconsciously imitating others (the chameleon effect). You also seem to be seeking help in a rather F way. Do you find yourself helping people in a slightly self sacrificial way? For example staying at a party longer than everyone and helping them clean up everything. (Note that my view may be a bit biased judging by my type, but I thought I was INTP/ENTP, I have gone through this confusion for a fair while, INFP profiles seem to be poorly written.) -- MATT- INFp
A2 Sounds like INFp to me. -- Anonymous
A3 INFp, probably... enneagram type 4. -- Anonymous
A4 Thank you. I was mainly undecided between INFP and INTP, because I think my sister is an INFP but she seems to be more friendly and caring than me and less analytical. -- Kate
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