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Question #1240552589Friday, 24-Apr-2009
Category: Typing Celebrities
I am a fan of the band The Cure and Robert Smith and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what type he is? INFp? -- Anonymous
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A1 You mean that lipstick guy leadsinger, with the "Caterpillar" among others I remember from the early eighties? Havent thought about it before, but to me he appears solidly Introvert, I dont see much Feeling attitude about him, I would bet he is a Perciever, so as long as my analyse goes, either a ISTP or INTP. But dont take it to court. -- ENTp
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A2 After many years of listening to/watching the Cure.. my conclusion is that Robert Smith is a definite enfp -- tricia
A3 INFp. Listen to the softness in his voice, his eyes shifting around nervously, nearly all songs about depression/love. -- Anonymous
A4 I concur; I'm sure Robert Smith is an INFP. This would explain his feud with Morrissey (probably an INFJ). Apparently when Morrissey was still in The Smiths he said lots of negative things about Robert's band The Cure, and how his band The Smiths could do so much better. "The Cure, a new dimension to the word crap" - Morrissey "McDonald's bombed and Robert Smith popped (both actions require a similar voltage of explosives)." - Morrissey Robert Smith took offense to these comments and said: "If Morrissey says don't eat meat than I will eat meat. Because I hate Morrissey". - Robert Smith "Morrissey’s so depressing, if he doesn’t kill himself soon, I probably will" - Robert Smith I think that describes Quasi-Identical Relations well. -- Anonymous
A5 I'd say INFp, same as the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Counting Crows. It's a common one for lead singers since they're usually very creative. -- Anonymous
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