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Question #1239450386Saturday, 11-Apr-2009
Category: ENFp Intertype Relations Happiness INTp ISTp
Hey fellow sociomaniacs. This is my first time posting a question here so I'm quite nervous- heh but ANYWAYS: I am an ENFP (through and through), and I was wondering if there are others like me who feel that sort of vacuum inside? Like a 'chronic dissatisfaction', gotta-be-more-to-life feeling? (how can one 'combat' it or at least tone that down?) Sometimes I think getting into a relationship might help but I've always been hesitant for some weird reason (considering my Type). I don't know if I should go to either of these extremes: trying out as many different people and types as possible/ waiting a real long time for the One (which I would really like to know once and for all if it's an MBTI INTJ or socionics ISTp btw). Finally, I would also really really like to be recommended future university course choices/ careers (I hate that 'where do you see yourself in 5 years' kind of questions actually) Thank you in advance for any replies! -- Enfp lass
Your Answers: 1+ 9+
A9 If you'll believe the ENFps descriptions too much they're gonna drive you crazy. As much as socionics and MBTI sites may blabber about how difficult it is for ENps to settle down I actually know quite a few of them who have, many years ago, and are happy and faithful spouses. As to the university programme, ENps can do almost anything, so choose something you really like inside. Maybe go for something that involves working with people but not organizing them, something flexible and creative. P.S. I perfectly understand you but am not able to advise you much as I tend to fight similar feelings, though in smaller scale and getting smaller every year, but different remedies work with me, me being a different quadra and an Se. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A10 Just do it offense meant here ok but just go out there and try something new you must experience life then maybe this feeling will resolve itself. Like college take a class you think would be interesting see what you learn from that and build on that... and stick with istp I don't see how j's and p's could deal with each other day to day long term. -- ESTP
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