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Question #1238604242Wednesday, 1-Apr-2009
Category: Intertype Relations ENFp Theory
I tend to always be uneasy with ENFps, and often end up hating them. For a while they seem like the biggest, most arrogant assholes on the planet, who don't know the meaning of the word humility. And then a realization creeps up on me, they are simply just smarter than me...INTjs, to you I'm sure they just look stupid or unfocused. To me(I don't know what I am), they seem like they don't try, it always seems to me like I have everything they have+humility, then I stop and think that maybe they are just smarter or that they are exactly like me but embrace what they are. Their ideas never seem conceptually very deep, but you find that they have reasons to validate these ideas, that "come from the heart", and I'm usually inclined to discredit that as total bull****, completely and absolutely pretentious. They don't seem to really understand their feelings, and I think I'm everything they are and more, so what authority could they possibly have over me... I don't know what type I am, but this is the kind of behavior a supervisee(or however you spell it), shows towards the supervisor isn't it(which ever one is the dominant one, ...S.visee or S.visor)? How could I be some stupid ISFJ? Or is it conflict behavior? How could I be some rigid, heartless, ISTJ? I saw this obscure thing on a socionics forum a long time ago that proposed this theory, seemed like it was pretty well thought out...I don't know how it explained itself but it suggested that highly intelligent members of a specific type often take on the traits of the the type they supervise. Thus you wind up with really intense personalities like say...ENFP-ISFJ, or INTJ-ENFPs, or INFP-ESFJS, or ISTJ-ESFPs, or ESFP-INFJs, ENFJ-INTPs(eureka?). These look possible for me if this theory makes any sense at all. Why would I be so at conflict with ENFps? Am I simply an ENFj? Because I don't want to think I'm an ISTj, they are too plain. Still ENFj? The actor? Sounds stupid, I mean I'm bold, but I'm also very shy. Plus Fe is painted out to be such a superficial function. Maybe that explains why I simply cannot understand myself, because Fe prevents me from digesting the notion of true emotional humility. Well, as usual, this got way longer than I wanted it to. Answer about the ENFPs, that was my initial question. Do they **** anyone else off in the same way I describe? Does this sound like a feeler semi-dual relation. And does that elitist sounding theory of highly intelligent people make any sense, do you think its possible that it isn't just empty elitism? God, this is all so esoteric, but I can't stop thinking about it. -- Grant
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A43 Grant- 1. You are young. Be patient with yourself. You are clearly well-spoken and intelligent. You have many years to develop your skills and knowledge in any way you choose, regardless of your type or emotional baggage. What do you do for fun? Cultivate your interests. 2. I think you are an Enneagram type 4. Read about it online. Also, I think you may be an INFp. I get the impression that you are very introspective, self-critical, and emotionally-centered. However, you also value competence and knowledge, but feel that you don't have these things yourself. You want to stand out as unique and figure out who you are, and you're also quite afraid of being "mundane." Don't base your identity on your ever-shifting emotions. Define yourself by what you do. What should you do? Do what you love. 3. We NF's have it rough. Sensors are confidently grounded in reality and Thinkers are practical and mentally self-assured. NF's are often quite undervalued when not in our zones of confidence. I think finding your zones of confidence will be very good for you. Everyone has gifts, including you. NF's typically excel at the humanities: art, literature, drama, music, spirituality, psychology... Perhaps you are a good writer (you seem to be) - then try and read more, find authors whose style you like, take writing workshops, submit your work and have it critiqued. Whatever your talents are, you have to put them out there in the world, whether or not others appreciate them or think they're useful. I guarantee that someone will love you for it. (Hopefully you!) 4. All your life, you will come across people who think you have little to offer. Ignore them and do your thing. Be determined to be happy with yourself. Stop comparing yourself to other people. 5. Young people today are growing up in a really rough environment where they often feel useless. After all, there are so many well-educated, talented people around. Jobs are scarce. But there are so many problems to solve. I highly recommending volunteering some of your time helping the homeless or feeding the hungry. It may help you realize just how important you really are. -- An INFj
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