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Question #1237642996Saturday, 21-Mar-2009
Category: ESTp INFp Love Dating Attraction
I am a ESTp and I'm sick of all these relationships of activity i have going on with friends and ex's and the like. I want to know how i can find an INFp! I've never had a dlt relationship but i want one. What are some physical characteristics of INFps and are there any activities that generally attract the INFp type? any one have any tips on finding one other than sitting every one i know down at a computer and having them take a test? -- jwc3
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A9 As an INFP myself, I can tell you to look out for these things: - everyone seems to be saying that we overdress, and for me, it is very true. I do not even own a pair of jeans. But I am not shallow - I simply feel that it is the most sensible thing; I would rather over-dress than under-dress, and I know I'm not very good at sensing the correct code of dress for the situation, so I just go for broke. - My own personality will adapt to the situation. If I am in a room of rowdy people, I may be found in a corner, reading a book. And yet, with friends of mine, I am the center of the party. To me it seems effortless, yet somehow I can make my friends laugh or talk, and the comfortable atmosphere somehow dissipates when I leave, even momentarily. But you would never know this if you saw the shy, humble girl with her book in a crowded room! It's all about safety for me: if I don't feel emotionally safe sharing my true self in a situation (as I can be easily hurt, you must be my good friend for this to be untrue) I will be able to easily become agreeable enough to get along with you, usually by making small-talk. I will likely be polite, humble and shy to flattery (even the smallest compliment), and yet charming. But, you will not know a true thing about me. - I will only open up to my closest friends. If you hear me complain, congratulations - you've one of the few who has gained my friendship. In this way, I can become known as someone who seems happy-go-lucky, who has no problems, or who is perfect (I don't know how, but it happens) On the other hand, people who need someone to open up to (or complain to ) will gravitate toward me, and I will feel compelled to give advice or a positive attitude to the situation. If you are looking for an INFp, look to the people that you complain to, especially the ones who do not seem annoyed about it (even if they are inside - like I get sometimes ). - I sense and am horrendously repelled by false people. If you are talking to me, and you don't really want to be talking to me, believe me - I sense it, and I feel more negative toward you than towards someone who has actually done wrong. This reaction probably stems from my own genuine nature - though I may mask my emotions, suppress my worries, or dole out the charm to distract you, if I say I love you, I LOVE YOU. My feeling are always sincere. So, if you want to approach a INFp, don't do so with ulterior motives, or on some passing whimsy - we are veeeerrryy intuitive. I have a person in my life who is an emotional roller coaster and - even though she is acting caring and considerate - I can often sense her mask from across the room, before she even approaches me. -Lastly, though I don't want to generalize, I have been called "The Christian Girl" pretty much all my life, because my friends believe I resemble a little angel. Polite, kind, considerate, gentle (overall, and with language: I never swear), accepting, positive, faithful, profound, nurturing, inward-turning, and a deep thinker. But even this description is a stereotype. I have many concerns with the future, especially the world's future, I have an obsession with profane (specially, natural disasters, the psychology of serial killers/rapists, the study of epidemics, etc) which makes me quite paradoxical, I can get quite ****ed, although I control it, and I have a tendency toward melancholy and nostalgia. But you will only see all of these things if you get to know me. You had better be committed, because even my best friend has never seen me cry (except during sad movies), and I cry a lot. I hope you can find your match - I hope I can find one of my own too! Good Luck, INFp girl -- Anonymous
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