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Question #1237387701Wednesday, 18-Mar-2009
Category: Type me!!! ENFp INFp E/I
ENFP or INFP? Hi all, I have been typed as an ENFP on many tests although I'm starting to consider whether I'm an INFP/ENFP bordering on INFP. I really can't make my mind up as to whether I'm an extrovert or an introvert... I would say I have lots of enthusiasm and talk to a wide range of people and get a buzz out of it. Yet whenever I enter different environments (not under the influence of alcohol! ) I generally am quiet and unassertive, I'll always look for people who I don't feel inferior too. However, when approached I am very friendly and whenenver with a good group of friends I am often loud and energetic, I also find this with my family. So perhaps the sentence before is down to lack of self esteem??? I have read ENFPs have a knack of finding they're passionate about and then trying to promote it to others, I love it if I find something which I love and then share it to others who also love it. But if they don't, I end up getting furstrated. I also find I get very frustrated with anxious/quiet/unexpressive/unpassionate people or those who never put a step wrong against authority. I would also say I have that silly switch, but its mainly switched on with people I'm comfotable with. I also LOVE role playing/making up stories/watching petty arguments, I just love the drama. I would also say I'm generally very friendly and have a great interest in psychology/in others, how they are different from my personality and why. Finding people out, becoming charasmatic, looked up to and liked is really what drives me. My worst nightmare would to be an outcast/loner. I also find I have very extreme moods, sometimes I will be bubbling with outward energy, other times I will be bubbling with frustration and others I will keep my self to myself. However, I wouldn't say I'm that moody, although a few people have said I can be?!? Hwoever, I read in an INFP section that INFPs love to support an underdog / fight lost causes, that is 100% me when it comes to sports. Also INFPs being able to see good in anything, clicks immediately, I am very much an optomist. Also when it comes to change, I'm nota great 1 when it comes to a change of permanent env, for example changing schools would be a great problem to me, having to make new friends. I also have a tendency to shrug off compliments, although I'm always grateful although perhaps I don't show it as much as I feel it. For example, if some1 comments on how good I am at something, it really energises me. Could this also be low self esteem? I can also at times feel inhibited, sometimes some1 will make a comment and I will make a stupid/dumb comment back. I also get on well with animals and often play with them/wind them up. Which could be another introvert trait.. Also I'm not sure which 1 this would be a characteristic of, but I have an incredible amount of passion, if some1 hurts me inside, I will not let it go!! I also read INFPs like to see bully's/disrespectful people get a taste of their own medicine, which is me. In summary, I would say people energise me, the drama, the diffrences between people, the activites ie sport I love. But I am not 1 of those "loud mouths" and I only really turn to my loud bubbly self if I feel comfortable in my environment and know others will not be too dismissive of me. Although I am trying to change that and I have a strong drive to be more assertive and as a result popular. It's just I have that anxiety holding me back, it's not a massive problem tho. Although when with friends, I find I'm much more confident with foreign environments/new situations. Also often when I go to social gatherings I always seem to make new friends/adapt to different groups, which amazes me. To give some background info on me, I am 1 of those "all rounders", I'm good at most things but excellent at little. However, I go to a highly competitive school, which has not been ideal to me. I also find that I never really hang around with the "main" group so to speak but have a good core of good friends and get on with many others from different groups. -- Anonymous
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Your Answers: 1+
A1 I'd say you're ENFp over INFp, but thats not whats important. You just gotta stick it to that anxiety that you feel, and say, 'hey, you people and your judgements can go elsewhere, i'm straight clutching right now.' Also, I have an ENFp that I always watch sports with and he's always an underdog supporter(when its not the Ravens or the Orioles).. he likes to dream about the cinderella story, while i just hope its a good game, regardless of who wins. Whenever we have people over, he prefers not to invite certain people, so that he doesn't feel inhibited, and can just be himself... which i prefer, cause he's one hilarious mofo. -- ISTp
A2 If you can't be arssed to read all that, and know what defines an ENFP from an INFP, then said me some questions and I'll be willing to answer them! -- The same anonymous as above
A3 Having analyzed what you've written here, I would say you're almost certainly an ENFp. You bounce from one possibility to the next, full of "perhaps" and "could this be", which is strongly characteristic of Extraverted Intuition, or Ne, which is the primary function of ENFp. Your interest in psychology and other people's personalities is especially telling, as the ENFp is known as the "Psychologist". INFp is less concerned with various possibilities, and more concerned with seeing the long-term implications of things. INFp is also more concerned with external expressions of emotions (Fe), rather than what people are feeling on the inside (Fi). Finally, be careful not to rely too much on MBTI sources - MBTI and Socionics are not the same, and treat introverts differently. MBTI profiles for INFp may not be accurate. -- Krig (INTj)
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