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Question #1237384376Wednesday, 18-Mar-2009
Category: Fictional characters Typing
What type is Eric Cartman from South Park? I think he's an ExFx. -- scarletdragon
Your Answers: 1+
A1 E and S 100%, F? Why do you think he is F? He is rude all all the time and to anyone. I vote ESTj, little greedy fat bastard, haha. -- Anonymous
A2 nah, hes not an ESTj. He's a lazy piece of sh*t. He's either an ESTp or an ESFj. I think the latter, because he has the ability to get under your skin, but also has a sickening sentimental side to him too. Not to mention all of the awful songs he likes to sing -- Anonymous
A3 Agree with A1, I think he's a ESTj. -- Anonymous
A4 ESTp, he has a hilarious type of duality with Butters -- An INFj
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A5 @A2, So type and laziness related, huh? Would you mind to list all the lazy types then? We have ESTp, ESFj...any more? -- Anonymous
A6 I wouldn't say he was lazy, he put a lot of effort into pretending to be disabled... -- Simon the INFp
A7 To narrow it down, I think he's an ExFJ. "Screw you guys, I'm going home" is an FJ repsonse. -- scarletdragon
A8 @A5, you completely misread what i wrote. i'm saying there's no way he's an ESTj because he's lazy. ESTj's are not lazy. If you wanna get so technical about it, any type can be lazy, but we're typing eric cartmen here, so uh... -- Anonymous
A9 He doesn't seem to have any Fi...he's pretty lacking in scruples...he's a natural con artist. He cares more about himself than others...based on all that i'd say T. he's definitely E...I'd say ESTp. seems to fit him to a T. oh and regarding A6's comment, altho he did put a lot of effort into pretending to be disabled, why was he doing so in the first place? To cheat his way to the winning prize of a competition for truly disabled ppl. let's just say he's definitely not the type who'll try to get rich using honest hard work... -- Shez
A10 Eric Cartman, ESTP, The conman, Admirable Self-Image, Cognitively Expansive, Interpersonally Exploitive -- jgbr
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