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Question #1232708731Friday, 23-Jan-2009
Category: ESFp INTp Dating Duality
How does an INTP go about regaining the attention of an ESFP who's just gotten back with his ex, an ESFJ? I (INTP) was the interim interest. It was really ridiculous how great we worked while we were considering a relationship & hanging out when he was single.She was crying a lot & saying she wanted to get back together. A couple months later, they're back together, and I'm convinced I'm in love or on the cusp. His best friends want me to be with him & go on and on about how bad she is for him. He's one of the only men I've honestly acknowledged I could make it work with. I don't want to give up. Is there anything I can do? -- Inept INTP
Your Answers: 1+
A1 ; here's a great page to see and study, am sure you will find many indencies which explain your ESFP s fall, and from the structure u will see on that page , ideas places things to throw yourself in. i will not burden u with emotive responses, but as u iLI here is something u 'picture/intelectually' throw urself into .meintpmale -- @sirac
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A2 I think you must have gotten some of the types wrong. I know no ESFp attracted to ESFjs, that simply doesnt make sense. But if the other person is really an ESFj, you neednt worry. Intimate relationships never work between ESFps and ESFjs. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A3 I agree, if they really are ESFP and ESFJ, it probably won't work. ESFJs are also EXTREMELY manipulative, and will fight hard for what they want. They don't give up. I say let it run it's course, and keep in touch with him. Even let him know how you feel. When things blow up between them, you'll be there. ESFPs HATE being controlled... so he'll appreciate you not smothering him or telling him what to do like the ESFJ. -- INFPPPPP
A4 A3: I agreee with everything but one point: ESFjs manipulative? I know them as frank and straightforward. Why do you think so? -- Ezis (ESFp)
A5 The ESFP I wanted to be with seems to have dumped her (ESFJ). Then they got back together AGAIN. Now she's put an end to it.You guys were right. Whew -- Anonymous
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