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Question #1232614068Thursday, 22-Jan-2009
Category: ENTp ENFp T/F Typing
I am an ENXp (actually I test as an ENFp in socionics, ENTp in MBTI and indentify with both) and I find myself switching back and forth from ENFp and ENTp. However, I do think I was originally an ENFp when I was little but eventually became more of an ENTp while growing up. I think it was because I wasn't surrounded by people as much as I'd like to be then. Also, I had two consecutive best friends; one in high school and one in college; that were ISFp types (duals of ENTp), so maybe then I sorta turned more into an ENTp? Or maybe became best friends with them because I was already an ENTp? I'm not sure, but I found myself dealing with them in typical ENTp ways (like slamming the door in their face instead of talking about a problem) when typically I liked to talk (yell mostly, if I'm angry ) about it. It sorta became a habit. All this was before I knew anything about socionics or mbti. Now my best friend is an ENFp and now I think I becoming more of an ENFp too. ALthough I do find it fairly hard and exhausting to be very excited about everything ALL the time like one of my ENFp friends, and enojoy being and traveling alone a sometimes. So basically I'm not sure what type exactly am I. Opinions on what type I am will be appreciated -- Anonymous
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A1 What description do you think fits you best? Are you really that torn between the two? The problem is, a test might confuse your enthusiasm for things as genuine Feeling, hence the ENFP result. You need to ask yourself, is the energy and excitement synthesised or genuinely felt? -- Anonymous
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A2 Thank you A1 for responding. I do have enthusiasm for feelings and want to make people feel better. But I do think that I have phases where i switch between the two. Like I remember a time where I stopped caring about people's feelings and focused on what they thought. I can tell because when I look back, there were times when I didn't take into consideration that the other person is feeling uncomfortable and I go on talking, trying to get them (casual friends who I aren't really a part of my life) to like me so I can finally leave and not have to worry about them not liking me or talking bad about me. Although my empathy is genuine, and I do out of my way to make people happy; when people do not appreciate me for trying hard to be there for them and make them feel better, I think I sink back into a person who rather be alone so that I don't have to compromise anything (and feel crappy for trying). Sooo I dont know. I can also be timid and not try new things because of the fear of rejection whereas I know my ENFp friends can try new things and be accepted almost all the time. And I sometimes get my ego bruised because no one paid attention to my idea or suggestion (kind of immature I know). I'd love to hear what people have to say about this Thanks! -- Anonymous
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